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unknown unknown

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Жена Priscilla Grant's father
Мать Priscilla Grant

Менеджер: Erica Howton
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About Priscilla Grant's mother

Sorry that's NEHGR VOL 102 P 59 Open and read Profile Photo image. PLEASE DO NOT DELETE PHOTO. It proves Priscilla Gray is not the immigrant wife of Mathew Grant.

Priscilla Grant was NOT Daughter of Earl of Kent Rev. Anthony Grey of Burbage (Burbeck), Leicestershire England. Mathew Grant gave his wife's birth date of 1601.

Lord Grey's second daughter with the name Priscilla was born in 1615. married John St Nicholas and is buried with her father, mother and husband. Their names are engraved on the monument, shown in the profile photo box..

Apparently Mathew Grant did not see the importance of Maiden names in his records.

Priscilla (27 February 1601 - 27 April 1644). Married Matthew Grant. They arrived to the area of Massachusetts on the Mary and John ship in 1630. They were among the founders of Dorchester, Massachusetts.

Date of birth is based on an old church record that says: "Died April 1644 aged 43 years 2 Months"

Matthew & Priscilla Grant: The Mary & John left Plymouth, England March 20, 1630 with her unknown Master, arriving in Nantasket Point, now Dorchester, Mass., at the entrance of Boston Harbor on March 20, 1630, two weeks before the Winthrop Fleet arrived.

These families and passengers were recruited by the Reverend John White of Dorchester, Dorset. Nearly all of the Mary and John 1630 passengers came from the West Country counties of Somerset, Dorset , Devon, and West Country towns of Dorchester, Bridport, Crewkerne and Exeter.

The passengers of the Mary and John 1630 founded one of the first towns in New England, Dorchester, Massachusetts in 1630 and also founded the town of Windsor, Connecticut five years later in 1635

Parents are unknown PLEASE DO NOT ADD ANY

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Хронология Priscilla Grant's mother

26 февраля 1601
Probably Dorset, England
24 ноября 1934
7 июня 1935
9 марта 1999