R' Yitzchak Teitelbaum, A.B.D. Hussakow and then Admur Miskolc and Ungvar

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R' Yitzchak Teitelbaum, A.B.D. Hussakow and then Admur Miskolc and Ungvar's Geni Profile

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Yitzchak Teitelbaum

Birthplace: Drohobych, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine
Death: 1944 (75-76)
Immediate Family:

Son of R' Mordechai David Teitelbaum of Drohobycz-Szczuczyn and Tauba Teitelbaum
Husband of Henia Reizel Teitelbaum
Father of Malka Kahana; R' Ephraim Dov Teitelbaum, A.B.D. Hussakow and R' Meir Teitelbaum

Managed by: Private User
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R' Yitzchak Teitelbaum, A.B.D. Hussakow and then Admur Miskolc and Ungvar's Timeline