Randi Simensdatter Hestnes

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Randi Simensdatter Hestnes

Also Known As: "Randi"
Birthplace: Dillerud, Hedemark, Norway
Death: Baeverstad, Hedemark, Norway
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Simen Hansen Hestnes and Anne Nilsdatter Mostue
Wife of Sven Eriksen Dillerud and Mikkel Eriksen Vardeberg
Mother of Erik Svensen Dillerud; Simen Svensen Dillerud; Nils Svendsen Dillerud; Svend Svendsen Dillerud; Anne Mikkelsdatter Dillerud and 2 others
Sister of Hans Simensen Hestnes; Hans Simensen Hestnes and Simen Simensen Hestnes
Half sister of Simen Monsen Fokhol; Lisbet Monsdatter Hestnes; Dorthe Monsdatter Hestnes and Åse Hansdatter Hestnes

Managed by: Steinar Simensen
Last Updated:

About Randi Simensdatter Hestnes

Giftet seg med Svend Eriksen 16 Juni 1768. Giftet seg på nytt 12 April 1780 Mickel Erichsen.