Surgeon-Col George Hume Reade

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Surgeon-Col George Hume Reade

Дата рождения:
Смерть: 1854
Crimea, Russia (Россия)
Ближайшие родственники:

Отец Surgeon-Gen Herbert Taylor Reade, VC, CB; Surgeon-Maj Gen Sir John By Cole Reade, KCB; Mathilda Jane Lovell и Mary Julia Barnard

Профессия: Army Surgeon, JP.
Менеджер: Private User
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About Surgeon-Col George Hume Reade

  • In June of 1825 nine ships arrived at Quebec from Cork Ireland in an experiment to relocate many from the desperate areas of Ireland to new lands and a new start. On one of the ships, called the Resolution about 60 passengers started out but on the month long journey 12 babies were born. Eleven other children died en-route as did about a dozen adults. On arrival they were immediately transhipped to a steamer and sailed off to Montreal, and from there most were taken to the Perth Military Settlement. This was a new housing community moved away from the frontier as a result of threats of continued invasions from the south after the War of 1812. Residents here were the most reliable, and could be called upon in times of military need. One in five was on half pay from former military service to the Crown. On Board the Resolution was a former army staff surgeon by the name of George Hume Reade. He lived at Perth and had earlier been granted acreage there for loyal service in the British army, retiring in 1817. Shortly after the influx of Irish, he would be again called up for service with the British as their Surgeon Superintendent at the Perth settlement. During the Lower Canada Rebellion, Reade was recalled back into the militia and posted at Quebec's Citadel. It would be here that two sons Herbert Taylor and John By Cole would spend their youth and no doubt gain some knowledge of their father's practice in medicine. (John's middle name came from his godfather... Colonel John By, who was the very fellow who was tasked by the British to create a town to house the workers who would be building the Rideau Canal. He was to supervise its construction as well. The town would later change its name to Ottawa.
  • Dr. George Hume Reade — an army surgeon, Reade was an early coroner and justice of the peace in 1825 (in Perth, Upper Canada). His four sons entered the army and two of them particularly distinguished themselves in the army medical service. Surgeon General Herbert Taylor Reade was born at Perth on September 29, 1823 and educated at the District Grammar School, entered the army in 1850, performed deeds of valor at Delhi during the Indian mutiny for which Queen Victoria granted him the most coveted of all military medals the Victoria Cross. As late as December, 1895 Her Majesty appointed him to be Honorary Surgeon in the Royal Household. His brother Sir John By Cole Reade (named after his godfather Colonel By of the Rideau Canal fame) was born in Perth in 1832(?) and studied at a private school and at Edinburgh University. He served with distinction through the Indian Mutiny and the Crimean and Afghan Wars, winning many honors, was a Surgeon Major General, a companion of the Order of the Bath, an honorary surgeon to both Queen Victoria and King Edward and a Knight of the Garter.
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Хронология Surgeon-Col George Hume Reade