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Is your surname Caamiño?

Research the Caamiño family


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WILFREDO NoMN CAAMIÑO is your first cousin once removed. You

  →  WENCISLAO GALARRITA KAAMIÑO  your father →  Jose Nacalaban Kaamiño SP-1  his father →  Felimon Nacalaban Kaamiño  his brother → WILFREDO NoMN CAAMIÑO  his son share this path

CLICK A PHOTO: This Special Project presents PREVIEW PHOTOS as Image profile of each Family Tree Members. The format is called 'Photos in Photos'. CLICK A PHOTO, a member's name appear. THE NAME THAT APPEARS will start you on the FAMILY PATH; upward to view the ascendant PARENTS; downward to view the descendants of the family clan . . . - wilfredosrb

NSO- Government National Statistic Office adopts the Chinese method of listing- PUBLIC

FATHER: First Name + Middle Name + Family Name MOTHER: First Name + Middle Name + Maiden Family Name CHILDREN: First Name + Mother's Maiden Family Name + Father's Family Name

Geni.The Kaamiño Family Tree.Com- PRIVATE but Legal Document, follow similar listing. The PERSONAL INFORMATION SHEET contain information that the individual member must fill up including DATE OF BIRTH and Email address for contact purposes to enable Geni to announce anniversary occasion, News, latest developments etc. . . This portion of the TREE is PRIVATE and only for MEMBERS AUTHORIZED to view, edit and manage limited to the 3rd degree immediate family and blood relations

The FEMALE member of the family loses her MAIDEN NAME after marriage; the children have this as MIDDLE NAME and losses this FOREVER starting with her GRANDCHILDREN

The MALE member of the family passes his FATHER'S name to his children and to their children and children's children forever . . .