public profile
Walter de Caen (aka Walter de Cadomo, Walter fitz Alberic or Walter de Huntingfield), had been a Domesday Book tenant of Robert Malet, and had, in addition to Robert, two other sons, Ralph and Roger, ancestor of the Huntingfields.[1]
Lord of Sibton, Walter de Caen was born about 1050 in Caen, Calvados, Normandy, France. He died after 1086 in Domesday Lord Of Sibton, Yorkshire, England.2328 Notes under Reginald de Peyton son of Walter:
The first of the family on rec ord by the name of Peyton was Reginald de Peyton, second son of Walter, Lord of Sibton, younger brother of Mallet, sheriff of Yorkshire. This Reginald held th e lordships of Peyton Hall, in Ramshold, and Boxford, in Suffolk, of Hugh de Bi god; he was stewerd to Roger Bigod, Earl of Norfolk, and gave lands to the monk s of Thetford, to pray for the soul of Hugh Bigod. He had two sons, William, wh o held certain lands in Boxford, of the fee of the abbey of St. Edmundsbury, as appears by charter of his nephew John, and John de Peyton. [John Burke & John Bernard Burke, Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies of England, Ireland, and Scotlan d, Second Edition, Scott, Webster, & Geary, London, 1841, p. 408, Peyton, of Is leham]
The Domesday book states that Walter de Caen was Lord of Sibton, give n to him by Robert Malet's mother (William Malet's widow).
The giving of Sibton to Walter de Caen by WIlliam Malet's widow implies some relationship. See Domesday Book for history of Sibton.
The following quotation from the "Butler Family Histor y" indicates that Walter is son of William Malet, which would explain the age d ifference between Walter & William (ie. they weren't brothers as indicated abov e.}:
Theobald Blake Butler, a leading authority on the history of the family , who died only this year [1965] and whose works are now available to scholars in the National Library, Dublin, the British Museum and the Irish Genealogical Research Society, laboriously traced back to Domesday the lands which this fami ly subsequently held in East Anglia and Lancashire and discovered that at least nine of the sixteen or more holdings which our Hervey was believed to have own ed in Norfolk and Suffolk were entered in Domesday Book under the ownership of Walter de Caen. The discovery led him to surmise that the paternal ancestor of the Butlers was Walter de Caen (son of William Malet who accompanied the Conqu eror and, being half Saxon, was entrusted with the burial of King Harold after the Battle of Hastings).
Based on the "Butler Family History" and the approximate birth dates , I am making Walter de Caen son of William Malet. I think, however, that the name implies an illegitmate birth, so he may not be the son of Walter's wife, e ven though her giving him Sibton would imply blood relationship. Perhap he was son of her, but not William Malet? Parents: WILLIAM Malet and Hesilia CRISPIN. Children were: Sheriff Of Norfolk Robert FITZ WALTER, Reginald De PEYTON.
I am not sure but I feel that the information given linking him as being the son of the father of [Sir Ralph de Chesney, I Ralph de Chesney (de Quesnay), l, Sir ] everything thus far I have found states that Ralph de Chesney (de Quesnay), l, Sir is unknonw
Walter was born about 1050 in Caen, Calvados, Normandy, France.1 Walter's father was William Malet and his mother was Hesilia Crispin. His paternal grandparents were Malet and <Unknown>; his maternal grandparents were Count Gilbert (Crispin) de Brienne and Gunnora d'Aunou. He had two brothers and two sisters, named Robert, Gilbert, Alvarissa and Beatrix. He was the third oldest of the five children.
General Notes
Notes under Reginald de Peyton son of Walter:
The first of the family on record by the name of Peyton was Reginald de Peyton, second son of Walter, Lord of Sibton, younger brother of Mallet, sheriff of Yorkshire. This Reginald held the lordships of Peyton Hall, in Ramshold, and Boxford, in Suffolk, of Hugh de Bigod; he was stewerd to Roger Bigod, Earl of Norfolk, and gave lands to the monks of Thetford, to pray for the soul of Hugh Bigod. He had two sons, William, who held certain lands in Boxford, of the fee of the abbey of St. Edmundsbury, as appears by charter of his nephew John, and John de Peyton. [John Burke & John Bernard Burke, Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies of England, Ireland, and Scotland, Second Edition, Scott, Webster, & Geary, London, 1841, p. 408,Peyton, of Isleham]
The Domesday book states that Walter de Caen was Lord of Sibton, given to him by Robert Malet's mother (William Malet's widow).
The giving of Sibton to Walter de Caen by William Malet's widow implies some relationship, possibly brother (but most likely bastard son--see below). See Domesday Book for history of Sibton.
The following quotation from the "Butler Family History" indicates that Walter is son of William Malet, which would explain the age difference between Walter & William (ie. they weren't brothers as
indicated above.}:
Theobald Blake Butler, a leading authority on the history of the family, who died in1 965 and whose works are now available to scholars in the National Library, Dublin, the British Museum and the Irish Genealogical Research Society, laboriously traced back to Domesday the lands which this family subsequently held in East Anglia and Lancashire and discovered that at least nine of the sixteen or more holdings which our Hervey was believed to have owned in Norfolk and Suffolk were entered in Domesday Book under the ownership of Walter de Caen. The discovery led him to surmise that the paternal ancestor of the Butlers was Walter de Caen (son of William Malet who accompanied the Conqueror and, being half Saxon, was entrusted with the burial of King Harold after the Battle of Hastings).
Based on the "Butler Family History" and the approximate birth dates, I am making Walter de Caen son of William Malet. I think, however, that the name may imply an illegitmate birth (or he was simply born in Caen), so he may not be the son of Walter's wife, even though her giving him Sibton would imply blood relationship.
The Plantagenet Ancestry, by William Henry Turton, 1968
The Domesday Book, England's Heritage, Then and Now, by Ed Thomas Hinde, London 1985
Butler Family History, 7th Edition 1991, by Lord Dunboyne, Kilkenny Castle Book Shop Page: 5
1050 |
Caen, Calvados, Normandy, France
1085 |
1086 |
Age 36
Yorkshire, England
1100 |
Horsford, St. Faith's, Norfolk, England
Little Easton, Essex, England