William Russell, 8th Duke of Bedford

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William Russell

Birthplace: Grosvenor Square, Mayfair, London, Middlesex, England
Death: May 27, 1872 (62)
6 Belgrave Square, London, England
Place of Burial: Bedford Chapel, Chenies, Buckinghamshire, England
Immediate Family:

Son of Francis Russell, 7th Duke of Bedford and Lady Anna Maria Russell, Duchess of Bedford
Husband of Mary Ann Wood
Father of Sarah Meredith Russell and William Oakman

Occupation: Member of Parliament
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About William Russell, 8th Duke of Bedford


From the Peerage: BEDFORD. Bedtord, Dttke and Earl of (William Russell) Marquess of Tavistock, Baron KuHsell, of Cheneys, co. Buckingham, Baron Russell, of Thornhaugh, co. Northampton, and Baron Howland, of Streathain, co. Surrey, 6. 30 June, 1809; a. his father as 8th duke, 14 May, 1861. Sir Ralph Russell, Knt,* son and heir of John Russell, constable of Corfe Castle anno 1221 ; m. Isabel, one of the daus. and co-heirs of James Newmarnh, feudal Baron of Xewmarsh and Derham, co. Dorset, and left, with other issue, Sir William Russell, of Kingston-Russell, Dorsetshire, M P., in the 1st of Edward II., for the co. of South ampton ; who m. 1st, Eleanor, only dau. and heiress of Thomas de Aula, Lord of Taverland, and had by her a sin, from whom descended the Russells of Chippenham, extinct baronets, now represented by William - Andrew I>yer, Esq. of Gloucester Place, Portman Square. Sir Wil liam m, 2m Uy, Jane, dau and co-heir of Robert Peverel, and had by her a sou, Theobald. He d in 1311, and was «. by his son (by his 2ud wife^ Sir Theobald Russell, who m. 1st, Eleanor (dau. of Ralph de Gorges, Baron Gorges, and heir of hor brother, Ralph Gorges,) by whom he had a son, Ralph, who as sumed his maternal surname and arms of Go hoes (.-• ■ Bcrke'3 Bxtinct Pttragt). Sir Theobald m Sadly, Eleanor, • For the early descent of the RusselK and their derivation from the Dn Rozels of Normandy, refer to Wiffens' Memoirs of the Bmm vt MaMtU, dau of John de la Tour, of Berwick, co. Dorset, by whom he was father of William Russell, whose great grandson, John Russell, of Kingston -Russell, m. Elizabeth, dau. and co-heiress of John Hering, and was father of Sir John Russell, Knt, speaker of the House of Com mons in the 2nd and 10th of Henry VI. This gentleman m. Elizabeth, dau. and heiress of John Froxmere, and was s. by his eldest son, James Russell, who m. Alice, dau. and heiross of John Wysc, Esq., and dying in the 1st year of Henry VIIL, left two sons, the elder of whom, John Russell, said to be one of the most accomplished gentlemen of his time, resided at Berwick, about four miles from Bridport, co. Dorset, and obtained a favourable introduction to court through one of those unexpected incidents which may l>e attributed solely to good fortune. In the 21st of Henry VII. (1506X the Aixhtluke Philip op Austria, only son of the EmjKjror Maximilian I., and husband of Joanna, dau. of Ferdinand and Isabel, King and Queen of Castile- and Aragon, having encountered a violent hurricane in his passage from Flanders to Spain, was driven into Weymouth, where he landed, and was hospitably received by Sir Thomas Trenchard, Knt, a gentleman of rank in the neighbourhood. Sir Thomas immediately apprized the court of the circumstance, and in the interim, while waiting for instructions what course to adopt, invited his first cousin,* Mr. Russell, then re cently returned from his travels, to wait upon the prince. His imperial highness, fascinated by Mr. Russell's com panionable qualities, desired that he should accompany him to Windsor, whithtr the king had invited his highness to repair. On the journey we arc informo i that the arch duke became still more pleased with his attendant's " learned discourse and generous deportment," and re commended him strongly to the king. Mr. Russell was, in consequence, taken immediately into royal f ivour, and appointed one of the gentlemen of the privy chamber. Becoming subsequently a favourite of Henry VIIL, and a companion of that monarch in his French wars, Mr. Russell was appointed to several high and confidential offices, and finally elevated to the peenige, 9 March, 1538-9, in the dignity of Lord Russell, Baron BnsttU, of Cheneys, eo. Buck ingham. In the next year, 15*0, when the great monas teries were dissolved, his lordship obtained a grant to himself, and his wife and their heirs, of the site of the Abbey of Tavistock, and of extensive possessions belonging thereto. After the accession of Edward VI., Lord Russell had a grant of the Monastery of Woburn, and was created Earl op Bedpord, 9 Jan. 1550. In Mary's time, the same courtly sunshine continuing, his lordship obtained a new patent, dated 3 Nov. 1553, for the office of lord privy seal, and was appointed ambassador to Spain, to conduct her majesty's royal consort, Philip IL, into England. The earl ra. Anne, dau. and heiress of Guy Sapcote, Esq., and widow of Sir John Broughton, Knt ; and dying 15 March, 1554-5, (amongst his other honours, we must not omit his being a knight of the Garter,) was *. by his only son, Francis, 2nd earl, K.G., b. in 1528. This nobleman, in the 1st of Elizabeth, was sworn of the privy council, and was subsequently a person of great eminence during her majesty's reign. His lordship m. 1st, Margaret, dau. of Sir John St John, and sister of Oliver, Lord St John of Bletshoe, and had, I Edward, Lord Riissrtl, who predeceased his father, with out issue. n. John, summoned to Parliament, after the decease of hi» brother, as Lord Russell. His lordship m. Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Anthony Cooke, of Oidea Hall, co. Essex, and widow of Sir Thomas Hobby, of Besham, co. Berks, by whom he left two daus., Elizabeth, who d. u-nm. ; and Anne, the wife of Henry, Marquess of Worcester. m. Francis (Sir), summoned to parliament as Lord Russell, m. Julian, dau. and co-heir of Sir John Foster, Knt., by whom he had an only son, Edward, who r. as 3rd Earl or Bedford. iv. William (Sir), distinguished by bus eminent services in Ireland, temp. Elizabeth. In 1580, Mr. Russell first com mantled 150 horse there, which the clergy of England had raised, for the reduction of the queen's rebellious subjects; and, for his gallantry, received the honour of knighthood. Soon after this we find him in the Low Countries, under Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. In 1594, Sir William was constituted lord-deputy of Ireland, and for the next two years he was engaged against the rebel O'Maden. On the accession of James I., - he was elevated to the peerage, 21 July, 1003, as Baron Russell of Thornhaugh, co. North- • The nephew of his mother, Alice Russell,

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William Russell, 8th Duke of Bedford's Timeline

July 1, 1809
Grosvenor Square, Mayfair, London, Middlesex, England
April 17, 1835
Therfield, Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom
Bilston, West Midlands, England, United Kingdom
May 27, 1872
Age 62
6 Belgrave Square, London, England
St. George's Church, St. George Street, Hanover Square, London, England
Bedford Chapel, Chenies, Buckinghamshire, England