prince Andrey "Long Arm" Vyazemsky

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prince Andrey "Long Arm" Vyazemsky

Russian: князь Андрей "Долгая рука" Владимирович Вяземский, Polish: ks. Andrzej «Długoręki» Włodzimierowicz Wiazemski
Also Known As: "Rurykowicz"
Death: 1224 (19-28)
Battle of Kalka
Immediate Family:

Son of Vladimir, Grand Prince of Kiev
Father of prince Vasili Vyazemsky; prince Ivan "Zhylka" Vyazemsky and prince Fedor Vyazemsky
Brother of N1205 of Smolensk and Марина Владимировна

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About prince Andrey "Long Arm" Vyazemsky

Andrey Vladimirovich "Dolgaya Ruka" (Long Arm) is a Russian prince, ruler of Vyazma, the ancestor of the princes Vyazemsky - the first Prince of Viazma. In other words: the first Viazemsky.

Killed in 1224 during the Battle of Kalka against the Tatars, the first major battle against the Tatars--a bloody Russian defeat.

About ks. Andrzej «Długoręki» Włodzimierowicz Wiazemski (Polski)

Andrzej Włodzimierowicz Wiazemski «Długoręki» - Rosyjskim kniaź, namiestnik Wiazmy, przodek książąt Wiazemskiech.

О князе Андрее "Долгой руке" Владимировиче Вяземском (русский)

Андрей Владимирович Долгая Рука — русский князь, князь Вязьмы, предок князей Вяземских.