Warren County lies in western Indiana between the Illinois border and the Wabash River in the United States. Before the arrival of non-indigenous settlers in the early 19th century, the area was inhabited by several Native American tribes. The county was officially established in 1827 and was the 55th county in Indiana.
When the county was formed, it was divided into four townships: Medina, Warren, Pike and Mound. Over the following decades, many changes were made to the township borders and eight new townships were created. Pine and Washington were the first of these, in March 1830; Steuben followed in 1834. Liberty was formed in 1843, Adams in 1848, then Jordan in 1850. Kent and Prairie were the last to be created, in 1864. (See the map of Warren County and its townships from Wikipedia.)
Much of the land in the county is given over to agriculture, especially on the open prairie in the northern and western parts; the county's farmland is among the most desirable in the state. Nearer the river along the southeastern border, the land has many hills, valleys and tributary streams and is more heavily wooded. (See the article in Wikipedia for Warren County, Indiana.)
According to the 1850 census, the county was home to 7,387 people. At the time of the census, the county was divided into 10 townships. Prairie Township (created in 1864) was part of Pine Township, and Kent (also created in 1864) was a part of Mound.
Census pages for each township are listed below. The townships are listed in order geographically beginning in the northwest corner of Warren County as follows:
- Pine (which included Prairie in 1850)
- Adams
- Medina
- Warren
- Liberty
- Jordan
- Steuben
- Pike
- Washington
- Mound (which included Kent in 1850)
Each page description links to the image of that census page. Each person listed on these census pages who is also in the Big Tree has a link to that person's profile. Heads of households are shown in a bold font.
Pine Township
For the 1850 census, 24 census pages have been found for Pine Township listing 942 people. This census was taken between September 4 and September 11, 1850, by Vincent Virgin.
Page 1: September 4: Pine Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Charles High
- Elisabeth High
- Alvin High
- Austin High
- Anson High
- Catharine High
- Ezra High
- Indiana High
- Elisabeth High
- William High
- Charles High
- John R. High
- Samuel Chaney
- Mary Chaney
- James S. Chaney
- Justin Chaney
- Elisabeth Chaney
- Cynthia Chaney
- Robert S. Chaney
- John Hurt
- Temperance Hurt
- Robert S. Hurt
- Hestor McLaflin
- Jordan McLaflin
- Rosetta McLaflin
- James McLaflin
- Louisa McLaflin
- Thomas Winnery
- Lydia Winnery
- Thomas M. Winnery
- Nathan Winnery
- Mary Winnery
- Ezekial Davis
- Rebecca Davis
- Joseph Davis
- Benjamin Davis
- John Davis
- Howell Davis
- Alfred J. Davis
- George Shepherd
- Jane Shepherd
- James B. Shepherd
Page 2: September 4: Pine Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Mary E. Shepherd
- Julia Shepherd
- Henry Mitchel
- Caroline Mitchel
- Mary Mitchel
- Porter Mitchel
- Harrison Mitchel
- Jasper Mitchel
- Edgar Mitchel
- John Taylor
- Jefferson Osborn
- Demeris Osborn
- Henry L. Shepherd
- Catharine Shepherd
- William Shepherd
- Thomas Shepherd
- John Shepherd
- Mary Shepherd
- Peter Shepherd
- Jesse Pugh
- Sarah Pugh
- Nerr Pugh
- Sarah J. Pugh
- Levisa Smith
- John Mitchel
- Mary A. Mitchel
- Edward Mitchel
- Sarah Mitchel
- Robert Mitchel
- Lucinda Mitchel
- William Mitchel
- Clarinda Mitchel
- Alfred Gregory
- Lucy Gregory
- Rachel A. Gregory
- Isabel Gregory
- Emeline Gregory
- Edward Gage
- Washington Bartlett
- Margaret Bartlett
- Milton Bartlett
- George M. Shepherd
Page 3: September 4: Pine Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Ellen Shepherd
- Perry Shepherd
- Peter Shepherd
- Mary Hessler
- William Friend
- Charles W. Robinson
- Elija Robinson
- Martha Robinson
- Emerilus Robinson
- Newton Robinson
- Thomas L. Marshal
- Sarah Marshal
- Ruth Marshal
- Martha Marshal
- Louisa Marshal
- Isaac Marshal
- Sally Marshal
- Mary T. Marshal
- Pamelia Marshal
- Rebecca Colton
- Samuel P. David
- Frances M. David
- John David
- Perry David
- Nathan Perry
- Hannah Perry
- Henry Shank
- Eliza Shank
- Mary E. Shank
- John b. Shank
- William Shank
- Armelia Downing
- Hermis Downing
- Ardelia Downing
- Juliet Downing
- Mordeica Van Kirk
- Jane Van Kirk
- William Van Kirk
- Sarah Van Kirk
- Driden Van Kirk
- Martha Van Kirk
- Washington Van Kirk
Page 4: September 4: Pine Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Benjamin Van Kirk
- Jane Van Kirk
- William Van Kirk
- Mordeica Van Kirk
- Sarah Van Kirk
- Maria A. Van Kirk
- Jane Van Kirk
- Andrew Hixon
- Easter Hixon
- Rebecca Hixon
- Jackson Hixon
- Franklin Hixon
- Mary J. Hixon
- Joseph Hixon
- Hannah Hixon
- Walter Hixon
- Sarah R. Hixon
- Elvira Hixon
- Jacob Swank
- Mary A. Swank (Foster)
- Catherine Foster
- Charles Harris
- Amelia Harris
- Joseph Harris
- Benjamin Harris
- Daniel S. Harris
- John Harris
- Noah A. Harris
- John Brumley
- Belinda Brumley
- Nancy K. Evans
- David H. Corey
- D.C. Malone
- John Hefley
- Ann Hefley
- Mary E. Hefley
- Benjamin Hefley
- Barton Hefley
- James M. Hefley
- Eliza Hefley
- Emirilla Hefley
- Susan Williams
Page 5: September 5: Pine Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Riler Williams
- James Williams
- Martha Williams
- Mary J. Williams
- Samuel Williams
- Norah Williams
- Jeremiah Williams
- John Gass
- Rachel Gass
- Harris J. Gass
- Martha K. Gass
- William J. Gass
- William Adams
- Andrew Harris
- Mahala Harris
- Sarah Harris
- Angeline Harris
- Charles Harris
- James L. Harris
- David Kelly
- Sarah Kelly
- Elisabeth Kelly
- Robert Kelly
- Allen Kelly
- Sarah Kelly
- William Kelly
- Washington Kelly
- Philip White
- Carpenter Moory
- Elisabeth Moory
- Margaret Moory
- Sarah Moory
- Amy Moory
- John Moory
- Emeline Moory
- Addison Moory
- James G. Templeton
- Martha Templeton
- John Templeton
- Edgar Ryan
- Celina Ryan
- William Ryan
Page 6: September 5: Pine Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- James Ryan
- Lucy Montgomery
- Leroy Templeton
- Mary L. Templeton
- Daniel Vines
- Amanda Vines
- Horace G. Vines
- George Patterson
- James Kelly
- Margaret Kelly
- Martha Kelly
- Phebe Kelly
- Moses Kelly
- Susan Kelly
- William Kelly
- Mary Kelly
- Albert Kelly
- Emily Kelly
- James Kelly
- Mary Alexander
- Joseph Alexander
- Samuel Alexander
- Welton Alexander
- Sarah M. Borders
- Simon Knour
- Levisa Knour
- John D. Knour
- Edward Knour
- Mary Knour
- George Knour
- Thomas Scott
- Susan Scott
- Celinda Scott
- Martha Scott
- Perry Scott
- Rachel Scott
- Bluford Scott
- Abram S. Crane
- Ruth Crane
- Hulda Crane
- Emanuel Crane
- Alvestus Crane
Page 7: September 6: Pine Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Elisabeth Crane
- Carlton Crane
- Abner Crane
- Serena Crane
- James H. Keyes
- Letetia Keyes
- Mary Keyes
- Sarah Keyes
- Phebe R. Keyes
- Samuel Keyes
- William L. Keyes
- David Steely
- Mary Steely
- John Steely
- Lobida Steely
- Mary Steely
- Isabel Steely
- Reuben Steely
- Benjamin Fryback
- Emeline Fryback
- Mary Fryback
- Nancy Fryback
- Robert Forsman
- Benjamin Frazier
- Kesiah Frazier
- Nancy Frazier
- John Frazier
- William Frazier
- Alexander Frazier
- James P. Frazier
- Edwin C. Frazier
- John Harper
- Sarah J. Harper
- Benjamin Harper
- Bazoyle West
- Rachel West
- Mary West
- Lucinda West
- Matilda M. West
- Julian West
- Celinda West
- Isaac Bryer
Page 8: September 6: Pine Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Mary Bryer
- William Bryer
- Isaac Bryer
- David Bryer
- Benjamin Bryer
- Henry H. Bryer
- John B. Harris
- Julian Harris
- Henry M. Harris
- Mary E. Harris
- William Harris
- Lucinda Harris
- William Harris
- Porter Harris
- Margaret Harris
- Edward Harris
- Laura Harris
- Henry C. Harris
- Morgan Harris
- James Bryer
- Martha Bryer
- Josephine Bryer
- Thomas Bartlett
- Margaret E. Bartlett
- William L. Kenan
- Frederick Simmerman
- Catharine Simmerman
- Mary E. Simmerman
- Martin Simmerman
- Joseph Simmerman
- Stephen Simmerman
- Louisa Simmerman
- Nancy H. Simmerman
- Samuel Simmerman
- John A. West
- Ayaliah West
- George West
- Samuel West
- Ann West
- Elisabeth West
- Thomas West
- Charlotte West
Page 9: September 6: Pine Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Moses West
- Martha West
- Celina West
- William W. West
- Eli McClish
- Rachel McClish
- James McCarty
- Nancy McCarty
- John A. McCarty
- Caroline McCarty
- Druzilla McCarty
- Mary Thomas
- Washington Gurton
- Lucinda Gurton
- Mary Gurton
- George Poe
- Jane Poe
- Kitty A. Poe
- Margaret Poe
- James Poe
- Elisabeth Poe
- Mary Poe
- Mary Mitchell
- Charles T. Mitchell
- Edward Mitchell
- Mary Mitchell
- Samuel Shepherd
- Elanor Shepherd
- William Bruce
- Ann Bruce
- Eliza Bruce
- Annetta Bruce
- Sarah Bruce
- William Bruce
- George Bruce
- John Johnson
- Catharine Johnson
- Elisabeth Johnson
- Ephriam Johnson
- Jeremiah Johnson
- Silas Johnson
- John Johnson
Page 10: September 6: Pine Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Kesiah Johnson
- Isaac Johnson
- Clark Johnson
- Thomas Bartlett
- Sebina Bartlett
- George Bartlett
- Levi Bartlett
- Eliza Bartlett
- Martha Bartlett
- Elisabeth Bartlett
- Sally Bartlett
- Henry Beaver
- Harriet Beaver
- Jemimah Beaver
- George Beaver
- John R. Beaver
- John Hickman
- Maria Hickman
- William Hickman
- Silas H. Hickman
- Algeline Hickman
- Sarah Hickman
- Salina Hickman
- Sarah Hickman
- Amanda Hickman
- William Kelly
- Susan Kelly
- Edwin H. Kelly
- Mary E. Kelly
- Henry Kelly
- Albert Kelly
- Emily Kelly
- John W. Brown
- Margaret Brown
- Martha Brown
- John Brown
- Mary Brown
- Julia Brown
- William Brown
- Jacob Brown
- Deborah Brown
- Deborah Pepper
Page 11: September 7: Pine Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Benjamin Brown
- Julia Brown
- George Brown
- Able Brown
- Margaret Brown
- Samuel Quiln
- Sarah Quiln
- Mary Quiln
- Matilda Quiln
- Samuel B. Quiln
- Elias Quiln
- Rebecca Quiln
- Perry Quiln
- David H. Quiln
- Sarah A. Quiln
- Louisa Quiln
- James H. Quiln
- Birk Schovel
- Kesiah Schovel
- William Rhoad
- Isaac Rhoad
- Sally Rhoad
- Joel Rhoad
- Seymour Rhoad
- Caleb Rhoad
- Jacob Rhoad
- James Reed
- Mary Reed
- William Reed
- Walter B. Reed
- James Reed
- Stephen Herriman
- Mary M. Herriman
- John W. Gray
- Sarah Gray
- Seymour Gray
- Mary Gray
- Sarah Gray
- Joel Gray
- Hamilton Gray
- Isabell Gray
- Alva P. Coffin
Page 12: September 7: Pine Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Olive Coffin
- Alva Coffin
- Henry Coffin
- Diadema Coffin
- Rachel Coffin
- Lewis Rhoad
- Eliza Rhoad
- John Rhoad
- Thomas Rhoad
- William Rhoad
- Martha Rhoad
- Rebecca Rhoad
- Hestor Rhoad
- Mary Rhoad
- Elisabeth Rhoad
- Martha Rhoad
- Isaac Rhoad
- Aaron Wattles
- Hestor Wattles
- William Wattles
- William Gray
- Sarah Gray
- John Gray
- Elisabeth Gray
- Dorotha Gray
- Charles W. Gray
- Andrew Pearce
- Ellen Pearce
- William T. Pearce
- Matilda M. Pearce
- Alvin Pearce
- John M. Pearce
- Mary M. Pearce
- Elisabeth Pearce
- Emily Pearce
- Eliza Stewart
- Seymour Cobb
- John Cobb
- Virgil Cobb
- Enoch Cobb
- William Taylor
- Sarah A. Taylor
Page 13: September 7: Pine Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Milton Pearce
- Sarah Pearce
- Mary Pearce
- Clarissa Pearce
- William Hooker
- Malinda Hooker
- Malinda J. Hooker
- William B. Hooker
- Matthew Hooker
- Ann Hewitt
- John D. Armstrong
- Armedia Armstrong
- Margaret Armstrong
- Auffey Armstrong
- Hestor Armstrong
- Sarah Armstrong
- Emily Armstrong
- Mary M. Armstrong
- Ira Pitser
- Ellen A. Pitser
- Sarah Q. Pitser
- Jacob Pitser
- John Johnson
- Sarah Johnson
- Amos Ogborn
- Lucinda Ogborn
- Eleven Ogborn
- Mary Ogborn
- Nathan Ogborn
- Hannah Ogborn
- Charles Gage
- Susan Gage
- Abram Medsker
- Elisabeth Medsker
- Annetta Medsker
- John Medsker
- Sarah Medsker
- Rebecca Medsker
- John W. Medsker
- Martha Medsker
- Lydia Medsker
- Isaac Medsker
Page 14: September 8: Pine Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Joshua Foster
- Sarah Foster
- John Foster
- George Foster
- Enoch Foster
- Caroline Foster
- Joshua Foster
- Martha Foster
- Charles Braudrick
- Isaac Rose
- Sarah Rose
- Rachel Butt
- John Franklin
- Sarah Robbins
- William Cobb
- Alice Cobb
- Johnathan Cobb
- Hester Cobb
- John Cobb
- David Sutton
- Johnathan Stanfield
- Margaret Stanfield
- John Stanfield
- Abram Stanfield
- Samuel Stanfield
- Mary E. Stanfield
- James Stanfield
- Olive Wattles
- Jacob Medsker
- Margaret Medsker
- Eyra Kendall
- Hannah Kendall
- Charles Wattles
- Lear Wattles
- John Wattles
- Robert Mulkin
- William Brown
- Jane Brown
- Samuel Braudrick
- Mary Braudrick
- Anthony Braudrick
- John Braudrick
Page 15: September 8: Pine Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- James H. Robins
- Sarah Robins
- Asa Robins
- Lucy Robins
- caroline Robins
- William D. Robins
- Henry Robins
- Sarah Robins
- Phebe Robins
- Jacob Morgan
- Elisabeth Morgan
- Susan Morgan
- Minerva Morgan
- John L. Morgan
- Mary Morgan
- Dennis McCarthey
- William Myers
- Ann Myers
- William Myers
- Walter Myers
- Montgomery Myers
- Richard Myers
- Harriet Myers
- Lemuel Barnett
- Matilda Barnett
- Lewis Barnett
- Henry Barnett
- Jasper Barnett
- William Barnett
- Amelia Barnett
- William Stephens
- John McConnel
- Elisabeth McConnel
- Sarah McConnel
- John L. McConnel
- Almira McConnel
- William Wilson
- Elisabeth Wilson
- Margaret Wilson
- Abram Buckles
- Jane Buckles
- Matilda Johnson
Page 16: September 8: Pine Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Sarah Buckles
- James J. Buckles
- John Dinwiddie
- Matilda Dinwiddie
- Susan Dinwiddie
- Isaac Dinwiddie
- Sarah Dinwiddie
- William Dinwiddie
- Abram Dinwiddie
- Mary Dinwiddie
- John Jones
- Mary Jones
- Lewis Jones
- Sarpley Jones
- Mary Jones
- Ellen Garland
- William Garland
- Margaret Garland
- Isaac Garland
- Ellen Pitser
- Jesse Sargent
- Margaret Sargent
- Abigail Sargent
- William Sargent
- Sarah Sargent
- John Sargent
- George Sargent
- Marion McConnel
- Margaret McConnel
- Alonzo McConnel
- John Gage
- Sarah Gage
- Martha Gage
- Lucy Gage
- Caroline Gage
- Mary Gage
- Hestor Hill
- Elisabeth Hill
- James H. Hill
- Lewis L. Freeman
- Elisabeth Freeman
- William Freeman
Page 17: September 9: Pine Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- John W. Freeman
- Isaac Freeman
- Abram Freeman
- James Freeman
- Melissa Freeman
- Melissa Freeman
- Israel Black
- David Black
- William Bartlett
- Clarinda Bartlett
- Thomas Bartlett
- Walter Bartlett
- William Bartlett
- Elias Lyon
- Harriet Lyon
- Reavis Lyon
- Julia Lyon
- Elisabeth Lyon
- John W. Lyon
- John Kernan
- Evy Kernan
- Asbury Kernan
- John L. Kernan
- Louisa Kernan
- James Kernan
- Samantha Kernan
- Selestia Kernan
- Thomas Smith
- Elisabeth Smith
- Catharine Smith
- Margaret Smith
- Lear Smith
- Mary Smith
- James Smith
- Lavina Smith
- Abram Smith
- Isaac Smith
- Jacob Smith
- William Smith
- James Smith
- Henry Smith
- Perry Smith
Page 18: September 9: Pine Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Jacob Best
- Darcus Best
- Justin Smith
- John R. Lewis
- John Snyder
- Maria Snyder
- Sarah Snyder
- George Snyder
- John B. Herriman
- Nancy Herriman
- Mary Herriman
- John Herriman
- Susan Herriman
- James Herriman
- Sarah Herriman
- Zimry Hopson
- Mary A. Hopson
- Ruth Hopson
- Elisabeth Hopson
- Sarah Hopson
- John H. Jones
- Hannah Jones
- William Jones
- Stephen Jones
- Charles Jones
- John McMannis
- Malinda McMannis
- James McMannis
- Matilda McMannis
- Dexter McMannis
- William Hooker
- Rebecca Hooker
- Martha Hooker
- Elisabeth Deny
- Joseph Blanchard
- Lydia A. Blanchard
- Americus Bench
- Elisabeth Bench
- Elliott Bench
- George Bench
- Lewis Bench
- Sarah Lewis
Page 19: September 10: Pine Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- John B. Lewis
- Joseph Lewis
- Rebecca Lewis
- William Lewis
- Sarah Lewis
- Sylvester Lewis
- Howard Kelly
- Margaret Kelly
- Eliza Kelly
- Angeline Kelly
- Perry Kelly
- George Freeman
- Rebecca Freeman
- Mary Freeman
- Jane Freeman
- James Freeman
- John Freeman
- David Freeman
- Stephen Herriman
- Mary Herriman
- Silas Hooker
- Mary Hooker
- James W. Hooker
- Martha J. Hooker
- Abram Hooker
- Rebecca Hooker
- William Hooker
- Henry Hooker
- John M. Hooker
- Sarah M. Hooker
- Samuel Bear
- Catharine Bear
- Emeline Bear
- Ira Bear
- Oliver Bear
- William Bear
- Susan A. Beaver
- Sarah Beaver
- Amelia Beaver
- David Beaver
- Richard Hough
- Maria Hough
Page 20: September 10: Pine Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Elisabeth Hough
- Martha Hough
- Noah Coffenburg
- William Brown
- Margaret Brown
- Ira Brown
- William Brown
- Joshua Myers
- Susan Crawford
- Thomas Crawford
- Andrew Crawford
- Lemuel Crawford
- Jane Crawford
- Robert Crawford
- Washington Crawford
- Samuel Malone
- Clarissa Malone
- Francis M. Malone
- Joseph Malone
- Eliza Malone
- Hartley Malone
- Andrew C. Malone
- William H. Malone
- Hatten Malone
- Samuel Malone
- James W. Malone
- Harvy Malone
- Joseph Stone
- Nancy Stone
- Thomas Stone
- Sira Aldrich
- Margaret Aldrich
- Morton Aldrich
- Eli Hawkins
- Lavina Hawkins
- Celina J. Brunton
- William Hickman
- Mary Hickman
- George W. Hickman
- Nathan Warner
- Nancy Warner
- Susan E. Warner
Page 21: September 10: Pine Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Sarah A. Warner
- Elisabeth Creeksanne
- Sarah M. Creeksanne
- Ann Davis
- Sarah A. Davis
- Allen Davis
- Seth Davis
- Job Davis
- George Sigler
- Elisabeth Sigler
- Daniel Sigler
- Matilda Sigler
- Malvina Sigler
- Lydia Sigler
- Elisabeth Sigler
- Susan Sigler
- William Sigler
- Washigton Sigler
- Sarah Sigler
- Israel Davis
- Sarah Davis
- William Davis
- Mary Hickman
- Riley Hickman
- Albert Hickman
- Elisabeth Hickman
- Nathan Hickman
- Silas Hickman
- Hutson Hickman
- Sarah Hickman
- William Hickman
- Mary Hickman
- John Hickman
- Matilda Hickman
- Isaac W. Smith
- Elisabeth Smith
- Sarah Smith
- John Smith
- Nancy Smith
- Henry Smith
- Enoch Fenton
- Julia Fenton
Page 22: September 11: Pine Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Daniel Fenton
- H.C. Gregory
- Mary C. Gregory
- James Gregory
- Elijah Gregory
- James M. Simpkins
- Eliza Simpkins
- Daniel Anderson
- George F. Hoffman
- William Stephens
- Clarissa Stephens
- Elisabeth Stephens
- Hestor Stephens
- Nancy E. Stephens
- Margaret Stephens
- James Mordock
- Jane Mordock
- Mary Mordock
- Henry Gross
- Nancy Gross
- William Gross
- John Gross
- Joseph Smith
- Mary Smith
- Martha Smith
- Darcus Smith
- Hannah Smith
- William Hoffman
- Mary Hoffman
- Elisabeth Hoffman
- Asa Smith
- Mary Smith
- Miles Smith
- Marion Smith
- Mahala Dillman
- Joseph C. Smith
- Caroline Smith
- Martha Smith
- Lavisa Smith
- William Hendricks
- Clarissa Hendricks
- Franklin C. Hendricks
Page 23: September 11: Pine Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Madison H. Lewis
- Rebecca Lewis
- Charlotte Lewis
- Rachel Lewis
- Joseph Moore
- Rebecca Moore
- John Lambert
- Sally Lambert
- Elisabeth Lambert
- Samuel Lambert
- Jane Lambert
- Henry Lambert
- Sarah Lambert
- Thomas Lambert
- Nancy Allen
- Joseph Allen
- John Allen
- Lydia Allen
Page 24: September 11: Pine Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
Adams Township
For the 1850 census, 14 census pages have been found for Adams Township listing 539 people. This census was taken between September 18 and September 22, 1850, by Vincent Virgin.
Page 1: September 18: Adams Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Seth H. John
- Ruth A. John
- Jane John
- Hannah John
- William John
- Sarah John
- Catharine John
- Isaac Medsker
- Rebecca Medsker
- Isaac N. Medsker
- Elisabeth A. Medsker
- John Atchison
- John Stump
- Ichabod Boyer
- Louisa Boyer
- Andrew Boyer
- Sarah J. Boyer
- Frances Boyer
- Mary Boyer
- Isaac Bell
- Rebecca Bell
- Mary E. Bell
- Jacob Holsted
- Levina Holsted
- Rhoda Holsted
- John Bell
- Elisabeth Bell
- Johnathan Bell
- Levina J. Bell
- George W. Bell
- Rachel Bell
- George Bell
- Jane Bell
- Rachel Bell
- Elisabeth Bell
- Adam Glase
- Rachel Glase
- Jacob Shepherd
- Caroline Shepherd
- Sarah M. Shepherd
- James Foster
- Mary Foster
Page 2: September 18: Adams Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Rebecca Foster
- Louisa I. Foster
- Isaac L. Foster
- Garret Clawson
- Mary Clawson
- Thomas Clawson
- Cornelius Clawson
- Timothy Clawson
- Elijah Clawson
- Rachel Clawson
- Garret Clawson
- Leroy Gregory
- Elisabeth Gregory
- James E. Gregory
- B. F. Gregory
- Henry M. Gregory
- Samuel Fisher
- Amanda Fisher
- Luke Gage
- Catharine Gage
- Sarah M. Gage
- Minett Kidney
- Abigail Kidney
- James Kidney
- John Kidney
- George Kidney
- Thomas Kidney
- Daniel Thompson
- Mary Thompson
- Daniel Ritenour
- Sarah Ritenour
- Edmond C. West
- Margaret West
- Lucy E. West
- Arrena A. West
- Badin B. West
- Elisabeth West
- James W. West
- Lewis West
- John Boyer
- Sarah Boyer
- Noah Boyer
Page 3: September 18: Adams Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Abigail Boyer
- David Boyer
- William Boyer
- John Boyer
- Mary E. Boyer
- George W. Boyer
- Jesse Rose
- Isabel Boyer
- William Ottell
- Cordelia Ottell
- Malinda Ottell
- Elisabeth Ottell
- Frederick Ottell
- Richard Ottell
- Hester A. Ottell
- Frances Ottell
- Andrew Odle
- Margaret Odle
- Thomas Odle
- Cyntha J. Odle
- James Odle
- Nancy Odle
- Elisabeth Odle
- John W. Odle
- William Odell
- Elisabeth Odell
- John Odell
- Lucinda Odell
- Hannah Odell
- Rebecca Sewell
- David K. Sewell
- William Odle
- Elisabeth Odle
- Mary L. Odle
- Abraham Hale
- Hester Hale
- Allen C. Hale
- Mary Hale
- John C. N. Hale
- James Hale
- Elisabeth Hale
- Hester C. Hale
Page 4: September 18: Adams Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Joseph A. Fenton
- Margaret Fenton
- Eleazor Fenton
- Samuel Fenton
- Margarett Campbell
- George Ford
- Robert Anderson
- Mary Anderson
- John Anderson
- Nancy I. Anderson
- Hester Anderson
- Samuel Anderson
- Rebecca Anderson
- Alfred Fisher
- Elisabeth Fisher
- Ithamer Fisher
- Asa Fisher
- Allen Fisher
- William Fisher
- James Fisher
- Elisabeth Fisher
- Young F. Turman
- Rebecca Turman
- Margaret Turman
- Samuel B. Turman
- William H. Turman
- Susan Turman
- Lucy K. Turman
- Amos Sewell
- Elma Sewell
- Clinton Russle
- Marion Russle
- Julia A. Russle
- Sarah Russle
- Asbury Russle
- John St. John
- Emily St. John
- Joseph St. John
- Sarah J. St. John
- Martha A. St. John
- John Hamilton
- Milton Henton
Page 5: September 19: Adams Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Elisabeth A. Henton
- Mahala Henton
- Aahya Henton
- Richard A. Henton
- William F. Henton
- Allen Henton
- Martha Henton
- Albert Henton
- Mary Streets
- Thomas G. Sewell
- Nancy Sewell
- Mary E. Sewell
- Samuel St. John
- Margaret St. John
- Eliza St. John
- Seth St. John
- Isaac St. John
- Adah St. John
- George Meadows
- Elisabeth Meadows
- Sarah I. Meadows
- Newton Meadows
- Margaret C. Meadows
- Sarah Meadows
- Benjamin Isiley
- Margaret Isiley
- Jacob Isiley
- Thomas B. Isiley
- Elisabeth K. Suthard
- Elisabeth Suthard
- Clark Benson
- Elisabeth A. Benson
- John C. Benson
- Elisabeth E. Benson
- Harvey Benson
- David Benson
- George W. Benson
- Mary M. Benson
- John Garner
- Sarah Garner
- William Garner
- Peter Garner
Page 6: September 19: Adams Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Sarah I. Garner
- James Benson
- Rebecca Benson
- Mary Benson
- Joseph Wilson
- Margaret Wilson
- Sarah E. Wilson
- David B. Wilson
- Charlotte A. Wilson
- Daniel Mock
- James Wilson
- Margaret Wilson
- Edward Wilson
- George Wilson
- William R. Wilson
- Francis M. Wilson
- Angeline Wilson
- James A. Wilson
- John Ritenour
- Sarah Ritenour
- Anthony Ritenour
- Jane Ritenour
- John Ritenour
- Henry Ritenour
- Thomas Barker
- Eliza Barker
- Mary E. Barker
- Caroline Barker
- Emirillis Barker
- Lucy F. Barker
- Sarah Barker
- Thomas Barker
- Eliza I. Barker
- John W. Barker
- Charles Barker
- Nancy E. Barker
- Nelson Farden
- Mary Farden
- Joseph D. Farden
- Margaret Farden
- Sarah E. Farden
- Elisabeth Farden
Page 7: September 19: Adams Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- William Thomas
- Elisabeth Thomas
- Rebecca A. Thomas
- Elijah Thomas
- Edward Thomas
- Joseph Thomas
- Hester E. Thomas
- William H. Thomas
- Lemuel Miller
- Rhoda Miller
- Allen Campbell
- Lowery M. Campbell
- Sidney Ambler
- Rebecca Ambler
- Mary A. Ambler
- Elisabeth Ambler
- Sarah Ambler
- William Ambler
- John P. Ambler
- Elijah Ambler
- Vincent Ambler
- Hester A. Ambler
- Rebecca J. Ambler
- James F. Ambler
- Margaret K. Ambler
- Nancy Knoyer
- Perry C. Knoyer
- Johnathan Knoyer
- Stephen Melton
- Elanor Melton
- Nancy Melton
- Hester Melton
- William Melton
- Absolom Melton
- Paton Melton
- Sarah Melton
- Allen K. Melton
- Melissa Melton
- Elanor Melton
- John Freeman
- Mary J. Freeman
- Aseneth E. Freeman
Page 8: September 19: Adams Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- William Freeman
- Elisabeth Freeman
- Lucinda C. Freeman
- John Fenton
- Sarah A. Fenton
- William E. Fenton
- John W. Fenton
- Thomas J. Fenton
- Mary Fenton
- David Carroll
- Jane Carroll
- Edward Carroll
- Elisabeth H. Carroll
- William T. Carroll
- William Foster
- Mary Foster
- Eliza J. Foster
- Annetta Foster
- John Hendricks
- Lucy Hendricks
- Eliza Hendricks
- Philip Hendricks
- Susan Hendricks
- James B. Hendricks
- Walter Deevers
- Nancy Deevers
- William Deevers
- John Castle
- Elisabeth Castle
- Julia A. Castle
- Samuel Pitser
- Elisabeth Pitser
- Maria Pitser
- Nancy Pitser
- Hannah Pitser
- David Pitser
- Julia E. Pitser
- Abram Smith
- Cyntha Smith
- Eliza Smith
- Jacob Mills
- Jane Mills
Page 9: September 20: Adams Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Sally Mills
- Franklin Mills
- William Mills
- John Mills
- Elisabeth Mills
- Margaret Mills
- Rebecca Mills
- Job Mills
- Daniel M. Messner
- Rachel Messner
- James Messner
- William Messner
- Zina Frazier
- Eli Frazier
- Edward Frazier
- David Frazier
- Maria Frazier
- Frances Frazier
- Hannah Frazier
- Zina Frazier
- Silas Frazier
- Linsey Frazier
- Mary E. Frazier
- George W. Jones
- Ezra Gaskill
- Nancy Gaskill
- James Gaskill
- Edward Gaskill
- Amos Gaskill
- Permelia Gaskill
- Elisabeth Gaskill
- Joseph Gaskill
- Julia Gaskill
- John Castle
- Sarah Castle
- Edward Castle
- Joseph Castle
- Job Castle
- Amelia Castle
- Nancy Castle
- William H. Castle
- James Castle
Page 10: September 21: Adams Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Elijah T. Castle
- John Foster
- Rhoda Foster
- Elisabeth Hamilton
- Seth Hamilton
- Thomas Hamilton
- John Hamilton
- Margaret Hamilton
- Sarah Hamilton
- William Foster
- Lucinda Foster
- John M. Foster
- Tom Foster
- Elisabeth Foster
- Andrew Foster
- Mary Foster
- Sarah E. Foster
- Samuel Freeman
- Catharine Freeman
- John W. Freeman
- Benjamin B. Freeman
- Julia Freeman
- Maria Freeman
- Sarah Freeman
- Nancy Freeman
- Julia Stanley
- Henry G. Green
- John Girard
- Elisabeth Girard
- Samuel Girard
- John Girard
- James Girard
- Henry Girard
- Simmerman Girard
- Alfred Girard
- Martha Girard
- William Girard
- Caroline Girard
- Asbury Manear
- Elisabeth Manear
- Mary Manear
- Seymour Rhoade
Page 11: September 21: Adams Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Johnathan Rhoade
- Thomas Rhoade
- Caleb Rhoade
- Seymour Gray
- Hester Gray
- Charles W. Gray
- John D. Gray
- Robert Hall
- Sylvester M. Hall
- Rosetta E. Hall
- Henry J. Hall
- James Benson
- Mary Benson
- Iverson Benson
- Samuel Martindale
- Elisabeth Martindale
- Henry Martindale
- Jesse Martindale
- Mary Martindale
- John Martindale
- Emma Martindale
- Abram Dyner
- Poling Dyner
- John Dyner
- John Rose
- Mary A. Rose
- Jesse Rose
- George Rose
- Emeline M. Rose
- Paris L. Rose
- Levisa Thomason
- Timothy Thomason
- Berny Thomason
- Nancy Thomason
- John Thomason
- George Marlow
- Nancy Marlow
- Solomon Marlow
- Isom Marlow
- William Marlow
- Marcus Marlow
- Francis M. Marlow
Page 12: September 21: Adams Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Nancy Marlow
- Eveline Marlow
- Frances E. Marlow
- Wade Posey
- Calista Posey
- Mary F. Posey
- Sarah E. Posey
- Martha C. Posey
- Harriet E. Posey
- George Metsker
- Jane Metsker
- John Metsker
- sarah Metsker
- Margaret Metsker
- William Metsker
- Mary Metsker
- Lewis J. Metsker
- Isom Metsker
- George Little
- Sarah Little
- Joseph Little
- Elisha Little
- William Little
- Sarah H. Little
- George W. Little
- Lewis Rater
- Martin May
- Susan May
- James May
- William May
- John May
- William C. Rogers
- Eliza Rogers
- Sarah Rogers
- Hannah Rogers
- John Rogers
- James Rogers
- Mary Dawson
- Frederick Dawson
- Eliza Dawson
- Jacob Dawson
- Edward Dawson
Page 13: September 22: Adams Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
- Charles W. Dawson
- Martha Dawson
- Thomas P. Dawson
- Davis Davis
- Mary Davis
- Mary K. Davis
- Absolom Sharp
- Martha Sharp
- William W. Sharp
- Martha Sharp
- Sarah Sharp
- Thomas Nichers
- Jacob Harman
- James Freeman
- Samuel Benson
- Martha J. Benson
- William M. Benson
- Jesse Young
- Maria M. Young
- Samuel D. Young
- Martha L. Young
- Sarah J. Young
- Mary E. Young
- Abram Harman
- Elizabeth Harman
- Mary J. Harman
- Edney Harman
- Daniel Smith
- Sally Smith
- Servin Smith
- Abigail Smith
- Austin Smith
- Wesley Smith
- Emeline Smith
- George W. Smith
- [Totals]
Page 14: September 22: Adams Township: Enumerator: Vincent Virgin
Medina Township
Warren Township
Liberty Township
Jordan Township
Steuben Township
Pike Township
Washington Township
Mound Township