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6th New York Volunteer Infantry AKA Wilson's Zouaves

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  • Brevet Brigadier General William Wilson (1823 - 1874)
    Wilson (Zouave) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to searchColonel William Wilson by Winslow Homer. 1861 William Wilson (1823 – November 13, 1874) was a native of England[1] ...

6th New York Volunteer Infantry AKA Wilson's Zouaves:

Col.William Wilson (Zouave):

Historic Note: This unit was thrown out of Fort Pickens for gambling and cheating at gambling. Also, once the Confederate forces came into the camp and the 6th went to the Fort. The Confederates raided the Union camp until the 6th returned with more forces and chased the Confederates of the island.