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Adventurers and explorers who changed the world. Famous and lesser known

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  • Juan Ladrillero García (1505 - c.1574)
    Ladrillero, Juan. Moguer (Huelva), 1505 – ¿Concepción? (Chile), c. 1574. Piloto, cosmógrafo, teniente de gobernador y encomendero. Nació en Moguer (Huelva) en 1505, según declaró él mismo en la proban...
  • Eduard Friedrich Poeppig ( orig. Pöppig ) (1798 - 1868)
    Eduard Friedrich Poeppig (originalmente Pöppig) (nacido el 16 de julio de 1798 en Plauen; † el 4 de septiembre de 1868 en Wahren, cerca de Leipzig) fue un alemán Zoólogo, botánico, geógrafo, explorador...
  • Alfred Grandidier (1836 - 1921)
    Alfred Grandidier (20 de diciembre de 1836 – 13 de septiembre de 1921) fue un explorador y naturalista francés proveniente de una muy adinerada familia. Él y su hermano, Ernest Grandidier (1833-1912), ...
  • Sir Thomas Cavendish, "the Navigator" (1560 - 1592)
    Thomas Cavendish , Cavendish also spelled Candish (baptized September 19, 1560, Trimley St. Martin, Suffolk, England—died c. May 1592, in the North Atlantic), English navigator and freebooter, leader o...
  • By Unknown -, Public Domain,
    Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817 - 1911)
    Joseph Dalton Hooker== OM, GCSI, CB, MD, FRS Birth date – 30 June 1817 [1] Birth Place – Halesworth, Suffolk, England Date of Death – 10 Dec 1911 Place of Death – Sunningdale, Berkshire, England Parent...

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This project of famous adventurers includes photos, bios, and other information, when available. Who are the top adventurers in the world? This includes the most prominent adventurers, living and dead. The people on this list are from different countries, but what they all have in common is that they're all renowned adventurers.

Even though many of the following famous adventurers finished their journeys a long time ago, and most have long since moved on from this world, we can learn and be inspired by what they accomplished.

Some of the people impacted the travel world around 100 years ago, and even though a century is a long time ago, it’s still possible to try to relate to their situations. But it’s difficult to fathom what it was like for an explorer like Ferdinand Magellan, who explored the world nearv ly 500 years ago, back when much of the world as we know it today was still untouched.