First Sea Battle of The American Revolutionary War -Battle Of Machias ,Maine. Indian Eastern Department,
Machias, April 27, 1780 ] PAY ROLL OF INDIANS IN THE DEFENCE OF MACHIAS. From the Books of Col. John Allan.
1777, Dec. 31. Ambroise St. Aubine,* Noel Wallace,† Nicholas Hawawesch, Ieaguerene, Capt. John Preble, Lieut. Delesdernier, Lieut. James Avery, Noel St. Aubine, Loui Roche, Pierre Joseph Assademouit, Toma Esquatpan, Joseph Tomma, Francis Blackducks, Pierre Joe, Pierre Toma,‡ Joseph Suseh, Michel Forelegs, Pierre Joseph, John Battest Forelegs, Noel Assademouit, Loui Assademouit, Grand Pierre, Francis Joseph Howawas, Charles Nocoat, Jean Bap Neptune,§ Francis Joseph Neptune, Pierre Benovet, Francis Xavier,|| Joseph Gull, ______ Queporet, Andrew Quaret, Paul Suseh, Antoine Goudan, Iashean,? Jean Baptist Lapont, Ettien Demour, Pierre Cook, Joseph Cook,|| Ignasce, Ettiewe Nimcost, Isaiah Boudraeu, Jean Leblanc, Nicholar Gondan, Pierre Benoret,
_________________ 409£ 3s 9d.
Chief of St. John tribe of Indians. †Chief of Passamaquoddy tribe. ‡Chief of St. John tribe. §Chief of Passamaquoiddy tribe; died Jan. 6, 1778, aged 60. ||Irioquois or Mohawk Indians. To the Penobscott, Marishute, Madewascow, all the rest of the St. John, Passamaquoddy, Mick-macks and all other friends and brothers to America and the French Nation: