BRITISH Coffee Corner
Welcome! Please add references and sources that you know to be accurate and useful!
Please join this meeting-point to improve your interests in Briutish genealogy.
It has been started for people of the United Kingdom looking for European ancestors and other English-speaking Geni-users who can share their information about how to find their relatives in the United Kingdom.
Many European Geni-users who have lost Ancestors who decided to leave their country of birth taking their families to Britain will find this page useful.
British people might be able to help them to find their pedigree and re-unite families.
Sources in the United Kingdom
A Comprehensive list of References for Britain and Ireland
Free indexes
Some with paid access to see documents
- Free BMD Index The recording of births, marriages and deaths was started in 1837 and is one of the most significant resources for genealogical research. FreeBMD is an ongoing project, the aim of which is to transcribe the Civil Registration index of births, marriages and deaths for England and Wales, and to provide free Internet access to the transcribed records.
- Free REGisters free Internet searches of baptism, marriage, and burial records, that have been transcribed from parish and non-conformist registers of the U.K.
- UK Census Online This project aims to provide a "free-to-view" online searchable database of the 19th century UK census returns.
- ScotlandsPeople Scottish census records, Scottish wills, birth certificates and death certificates, we have a comprehensive choice of Scottish records to bring your Scotland ancestry to life.
- The Peerage - information on the European royal families and on the British Peerage
- Genuki provides a virtual reference library of genealogical information of particular relevance to the UK and Ireland. It is a non-commercial service, maintained by a charitable trust and a group of volunteers.
- LDS Family Search - records span billions of names across hundreds of collections—including birth, marriage, death, probate, land, military, IGI extracted, and more. Not UK Isolated - worldwide.
- The National Archives online records - home to millions of documents, files and images that cover 1,000 years of history. Find out how we can help your research, through guides, tutorials, and podcasts.
- Search Page is the gateway to all the available records. Wills and Probate, Military
- Genealogy Links - England Genealogy - Links to various records
- Forces War Records the definitive location for military genealogy records from WW2, WW1, Boer War, Crimean War and beyond. Membership required to get access to some documents
- Family Deeds provides a large amount of free online information to help you with your family history using information contained in our collection of old deeds and documents. We have information on many documents with new documents being uploaded regularly.
- Cause Papers - a searchable catalogue of more than 14,000 cause papers relating to cases heard between 1300 and 1858 in the Church Courts of the diocese of York.
- Historic Hospital Admission Records Project (HHARP) Search hospital historical admission records by name and year of birth.
Records for
- Great Ormond Street Hospital (and its convalescent home, Cromwell House),
- Evelina Hospital,
- Alexandra Hospital for Children with Hip Disease,
- Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow.
The Admission Registers cover a period ranging from February 1852 (when Great Ormond Street's doors first opened) through to December 31st 1914. While the Great Ormond Street records are continuous for the whole period, the other hospital records cover shorter runs within these dates: Cromwell House, 1869 to 1910; the Evelina, 1874 -1877/1889-1902; Alexandra Hospital for Hip Disease, 1867-1895, Glasgow, 1883 to 1903.