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Barbarian Kingdoms: Dacians

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  • Diegis (deceased)
    Diegis was a Dacian chief, general and brother of Decebalus, and his representative at the peace negotiations held with Domitian (89 C.E.).
  • Decebalus, King of Dacia (b. - 106)
    Decebalus or "The Brave" (originally named Diurpaneus) was a king of Dacia (ruled the Dacians 87–106)[2] and is famous for fighting three wars and negotiating two interregnums of peace[2] without being...

The fifteen tribes of Dacia as named by Ptolemy, starting from the northernmost ones, are as follows. First, the Anartes, the Teurisci and the Coertoboci/Costoboci. To the south of them are the Buredeense (Buri/Burs), the Cotense/Cotini and then the Albocense, the Potulatense and the Sense, while the southernmost were the Saldense, the Ciaginsi and the Piephigi. To the south of them were Predasense/Predavensi, the Rhadacense/Rhatacenses, the Caucoense (Cauci) and Biephi.[86] Twelve out of these fifteen tribes listed by Ptolemy are ethnic Dacians,[91] and three are Celt Anarti, Teurisci, and Cotense.[91] There are also previous brief mentions of other Getae or Dacian tribes on the left and right banks of the Danube, or even in Transylvania, to be added to the list of Ptolemy. Among these other tribes are the Trixae, Crobidae and Appuli.