Civil War Veteran. George Washington Cleasby, 13th New Hampshire Infantry, Co. D; b. Littleton; age 18; res. Littleton, cred. Littleton; enl. Aug. 13, 1862; must. in Sept. 19, 1862, as Priv.; disch. Ma...
Emerson William R. Lawrence 1905 54 182 Death
Massachusetts, Death Records
Name: William R Emerson
Gender: Male
Birth Date: abt 1825
Birth Place: Sunapee, NH
Death Date: 5 Oct 1905
Death Place: Lawren...
Enlistment Date: 24 Dec 1863 62nd Infantry Regiment Ohio Company I. Transferred out of Company I, 62nd Infantry Regiment Ohio on 1 Sep 1865. Transferred into Company G, 67th Infantry Regiment Ohio on 1...
Civil War Union Army Officer. He began his Civil War service with a commission of Captain and commander of Company K, 112th New York Volunteer Infantry on September 2, 1862. He led the company over the...
The Battle of Chaffin's Farm and New Market Heights, also known as Laurel Hill and combats at Forts Harrison, Johnson, and Gilmer, was fought in Virginia on September 29–30, 1864, as part of the siege of Petersburg in the American Civil War.
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