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- Arrival at the Cape 1826
Members of Shepherd's Party
[Bold links are to Geni profiles; other links are to other biographical notes]
- Adams family family of Henry Adams*
- Adams Thomas son of Thomas Adams*
- Barnes Elizabeth 19 stepdaughter of Henry Harper*
- Harriett Biggs 14 daughter of John Biggs*
- Mary Biggs 16 daughter of John Biggs*
- Burling James 19 brother-in-law of James Rathbone* (James RATHBONE, bachelor, married Susanna BURLING, spinster on 8 December) 1817 in St.James Garlickhithe.
- Burling Sarah 18 sister-in-law of James Rathbone*
- Cato Francis 34 relative of James Howe
- Cooke Henry brother-in-law of James Mandy
- Crowley family family of Malachi Crowley**
- Crowley family family of Humphrey Crowley**
- Crowley Margaret 30 daughter of Humphrey Crowley**
- Thomas Dobson 27, son-in-law of Richard Pickstock
- Furby George 52 cousin of Charles Croft*
- Furby George 22 son of George Furby
- Gatehouse family of George Gatehouse
- Grubb Sarah 22 sister of James Grubb*
- Humphries Joseph Richard 43 relative of Henry Harper*
- Eleanor Kidwell 30
- Elizabeth Kidwell, 36
- Leany Ann 35 wife of James Leany
- Lewis John 14 relative of D Lewis
- Macarty Florence 36 sister-in-law of Dennis Holland*
- Macintosh John 34 relative of James Devine*
- Mary Heartrell 32 wife of Henry Marshall (Mary Marshall 32, is also listed as part of Clarke's Party)
- Crofts Mayer 47 brother-in-law of William Thackwray*
- David Mayer 29 son of Crofts Mayer
- Francis Mayer , 24 son of Crofts Mayer
- Hannah Mayer 23, daughter of Crofts Mayer
- Mitchener Elizabeth 25 daughter of Robert Mitchener
- Mitchener Robert 47 cousin of Robert Pitt
- Mitchener William 21 son of Robert Mitchener
- Morris Nathan 40 son-in-law of Stephen Brown*
- Mulhollan Adam
- Mulligan Ann 42 sister of James Mandy
- Niland Hugh 36 brother of James Niland
- O'Donell Ellen 22 neice of Patrick O'Donell
- O'Donell Jane 18 neice of Patrick O'Donell
- Thomas Pankhurst 30, brother of John Pankhurst
- William Parkin 44, brother of John Parkin
- Pask Samuel 20 cousin of Richard Eva*
- Paskin John 41 brother-in-law of Daniel Roberts*
- John Paskin 21, son of John Paskin
- Pitt William, 49
Children :
- John Pitt, 23
- Sarah Pitt, 22
- Roe family family of Robert Roe*
- Sayers Jane 22 relative of John Hannan*
- Sayers Sarah 26 relative of John Hannan*
- Slater Sarah, 23
- Starling Kezia 19 niece of Richard Newton
- Starling William 18 nephew of Richard Newton
- John Valentine brother of Peter Valentine
- Benjamin Verity 25, son of William Verity
- William Watson 60 father of William Watson
- Webber Samuel 38 cousin of Thomas Young*
- Wells William 37 son-in-law of Richard Attwell
- Wood Elizabeth 14 relative of Charles Hyman*
- Charles Wyatt 45, brother of John Wyatt
- Yarrington Henry 30 cousin of William Wright
(*) Indicates that the person arrived with the 1820 Settlers.
(**) Indicates that the person arrived with an earlier group of 1821-1826 Settlers.