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"Brunner," "Bruner," and "DeBrunner" are all common names from Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. From there, the name has spread all around the world, and is very common in North America.

I would like to try to track where each branch of Brunners came from. If you're a Brunner, or if you're related to one, please join in.

Notable Brunners

Infamous Brunners

  • Alois Brunner, highest ranking Nazi official to evade capture.
  • Mary Brunner, first member of the Manson family, and mother of Charles Manson's first child.

Grant Brünner's Lineage

  1. Christian J Brunner.
  2. Ernest H Brunner.
  3. Charles R Brunner.
  4. Michael R Brunner.
  5. R Grant Brunner.