1911 Census
How the Census Was Collected
The 1911 Census, which officially began on June, 1, 1911, marked the fifth regularly scheduled collection of national statistics. It officially began on June 1, 1911.
A total of 264 commissioners were appointed to coordinate the census. Reporting to the commissioners, 9,703 enumerators were then assigned to a clearly defined area.
Enumerators visited 218 census districts, divided into multiple enumeration units. These units were made up of cities, towns, groups of townships, Indian reserves, and other less well-defined areas. In unorganized regions, First Nation reserves and the Northwest Territories, special agents (including employees of the Department of Indian Affairs and members of the Royal North West Mounted Police) could act as enumerators.
Enumerators collected information for 7,204,838 individuals distributed as follows:
Alberta (374,663) British Columbia (392,480) Manitoba (455,614) New Brunswick (351,889) Northwest Territories (17,196) Nova Scotia (492,338) Ontario (2,523,274) Prince Edward Island (93,728) Quebec (2,002,712) Saskatchewan (492,432) Yukon (8,512)