The Cementiri de Poblenou (Poblenou Cemetery) is located in the neighbourhood of the same name in Barcelona. It is also called East Cemetery (Cementiri de l'Est) or General Cemetery (Cementiri General). It is located in calle de Taulat, with the main entrance at Avenida Icària.
The first cemetery at this location was built in 1775, located outside the city's perimeter wall, as the state of churchyard graves inside the old city was considered unsanitary. After the first cemetery was destroyed by Napoleon's troops in 1813, the Italian architect Antonio Ginesi [es] was commissioned to rebuild it, and the new site was reconsecrated by Bishop Pau de Sitjar i Ruata on 15 April 1819. It was formally opened in 1898 by the Bishop of Barcelona Josep Climent i Avinent.
The cemetery consists of two large sections: at the front Ginesi created egalitarian terraces of burial niches, while at the rear there is an area of individual monuments and mausolea, crafted for the aesthetic tastes and aspirations of the wealthy bourgeoisie, merchants and manufacturers of the city. A third, narrow section along the South wall mixes niches, monuments and common graves.
The sculpture above the grave of Josep Llaudet Soler is often cited as Poblenou's best-known monument. Known as The Kiss of Death (El petó de la mort in Catalan or El beso de la muerte in Spanish), the work dates to 1930 and depicts a winged skeleton kissing the cheek of a young man's apparently lifeless body. The name of the artist Jaume Barba is carved into the base, though some believe the work is the idea of Joan Fontbernat.
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El cementerio de Pueblo Nuevo está situado en el barrio del mismo nombre en la ciudad de Barcelona. También se le conoce como Cementerio General de Barcelona, Cementerio del Este, Cementerio de Levante o Cementerio Viejo.
RENUNCIA DE PRIVACIDAD: Sólo se agregarán a este proyecto los perfiles que hayan difuntos y sean públicos.
El cementiri del Poblenou, també conegut com cementiri Vell (per oposició al de Montjuïc), està situat al carrer del Taulat, 2 de Barcelona, i està catalogat com a Bé Cultural d'Interès Local. Durant els seus primers temps fou citat com a cementiri General, i durant molt temps va tenir el nom oficial de cementiri de l'Est.
EXENCIÓ DE RESPONSABILITAT DE PRIVACITAT: només s'afegiran a aquest projecte els perfils que hagin estat difunts i públics.