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Conecuh County, Alabama

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  • Nettie Bethea (1843 - 1895)
    Age 32 years Colored, Female, Married Died of General Debility Housewife Lived in Florida for 20 years Both parents from Alabama Source: Early Vital Records of Pensacola, FL, Vol. 1 1891-1899 Births ...
  • Nettie Lou Banks (1900 - 1971)
    Mother of Creola Banks Nettie Banks in the Alabama, U.S., Deaths and Burials Index, 1881-1974 Alabama, U.S., Deaths and Burials Index, 1881-1974 Detail Source Name Nettie Banks [Nettie Brown] Birt...
  • Rufus Banks (1898 - 1962)
    Father of Creola Banks. Inscription US engineer Gravesite Details body is in the back on the left side where the road runs out. Rufus Banks in the Alabama, U.S., Deaths and Burials Index, 1881-1974
  • Creola Hogan/ Jackson (1920 - 1952)
    Creola Banks Hogan Jackson By Erin December 4, 2021 Black/Mulatto, Female Black female, born about 1920 in Conecuh County, AL. Daughter of Rufus Banks and Nettie Lou Brown. Creola first entered my r...
  • Pearl M Anthony- Nevitte (1905 - 1972)
    The Following is from Erin Renfroe: Infant Son of Pearl Anthony By Erin November 14, 2021 Infant, Male, White White male, stillborn at noon on 4 August 1927 at Pensacola Hospital in Pensacola, FL...

Conecuh County was established by Alabama on February 13, 1818. Some of its territory was taken in 1868 by the Republican state legislature during the Reconstruction era to establish Escambia County. Located in the coastal plain, 19th century Conecuh County was an area of plantations and cotton cultivation, and it is still quite rural today. Thousands of African American residents left in the 1940s, during the Second Great Migration, mostly for industrial regions in the major cities.

In September 1979, the county was declared a disaster area, due to damage caused by Hurricane Frederic.


Cemeteries of Alabama

