Cwejgbaum, Cwergbaum, Cwerbaum, Cwerin, Cweren, Cwern and extended families from areas of Lublin including Chelm and Kriwich/Kriwicz/Kriwiczka/Krywicz.
'[] "CWERIN", Widower, Date of death: 23-Dec-1876, Place of death: Chełm, Lublin Gubernia, Age at death: 60, 'Father's Town: Ugr, Kriwiczka, (1 son, 1 daughter) (Acta109)
'Cwejgbaum, Cwergbaum, Cwerbaum, Cwerin, Cweren, Cwern and extended families from areas of Lublin including Chelm and Kriwich/Kriwicz/Kriwiczka/Krywicz.
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