Documents for DNA Primer

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Shared cM Project

Blaine T. Bettinger

The McGuire Method – Simplified Visual DNA Comparisons

EDITOR: Last summer while co-teaching a DNA course at IGHR, one of the students in the class had some questions about...

DNA Genealogy: How to get YDNA haplogroup from AncestryDNA results

Exploring family connections through DNA testing and Genealogy

People: Raven Williams, Tyrone Powell, Renee Merrill and 2 others.

Why Upload to GEDmatch or FTDNA?

What is the advantage of uploading AncestryDNA results to GEDmatch and/or FTDNA? Listed are 10 Reasons

People: Private User

DNAeXplained – Genetic Genealogy | What Does MCRA Really Mean?

The MCRA or time to the Most Common Recent Ancestor is a calculation provided by both Family Tree DNA and

People: Lisa Ann Reid Hansen, Victor J Highbaugh, Private and 5 others.

Using Gedmatch

People: Andrea Johnson, Private, Lisa Ann Reid Hansen and 2 others.

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