Cynthia descends from the son of George b1670 named Howell who is head of Group F on the FT YDNA Brewer Project with dominant subclade I-Y23708.
Gary's Brewer descendant tester, 1st cousin Bill Brewer, has been active with the Brewer research and testing out to the FTBIGY700 placing him in Group E with ancestor Briant Brewer b1799 NC whose father was Thomas Brewer Jr. b1765 who married Lucretia McHugh. Bill sent me a download 100 pp paper 2 years ago on research from David Brewer of the FT Brewer Project. The author tries to sort through all the various Thomas Brewers from the late 1700s and his work is very interesting.
One line of Thomas's which he has uncovered is not 2 consecutive Thomas's but 5 Thomas's descending from John Brewer II, the grandfather of George Brewer of Brunswick, VA. They are
1. Thomas 1639-1698 VIrginia,
2. Thomas of Virginia 1680-1729,
3. Thomas of Virginia 1704-48 m. Elizabeth Godfry,
4. Thomas born Isle of Wight County, VA 1728 lived Halifax County, east NC died NC 1802,
5. Thomas born Halifax, NC 1765 died 1835 Indiana.
A co-admin for the Brewer Project named David Brewer, a couple months previously posted on the Activity feed an analysis of Group D headed by William Brewer born circa 1552-55. He and the admin, Hank Graham, do not think this William descends from George. Now he says that he will post his research and conclusions about Group E which I say is the consecutive Thomas line and includes my ancestor, Briant Brewer b1799 NC.
Thomas line conclusions for all of us to consider. We would go ahead and disconnect Thomas Sr from coming from George Brewer if it wasn't for waiting for better conclusions from the Brewer Project. (It is disconnected now and connected as the 5 consecutive Thomas line to John II Brewer.
The Brewer Groups are remarkably close together in what they call the "Lanier Brewer Groups A,B, C, D, E, F, G, H." Gary counts only 1 difference between Lanier group G and Thomas Group E and 2 differences between Group E and groups A, D, F, and H. F is Cynthia's Howell.
Admins seem to argue that only one STR difference can separate 2 lines by several generations, meaning the 5 Thomas Brewer line from John II is the correct one for my Brewer line. But what about the other Groups which have 2 differences in their STR's to each other group? That is the problem and the admins are struggling with it. Hopefully this will be resolved shortly.
As for myself and my Group E, the Thomas line, it will end up coming from John II.
Great new information in a chart: https://www.yfull.com/chart/tree/I-Y15031/ Look for subclade I-Y21524 because this Thomas' line is subclade I-Y21524.
The above is the YFULL official block chart of the entire list of subclades for the closely related Brewer male subclades all coming from I-Y15031 which is listed as I-Y15300 on the Brewer Project. All the subclades on the chart descend from Dr. William Brewer b1548 in Chard, Somerset, England and his descendants who immigrated to Virginia with the 3 Johns line, John I of London and Virginia, John II of Virginia, and John III of Virginia. Then all those from subclade Y182422 and the downstreamed subclades below it descend from the sons of George Brewer b1670 of Brunswick. This Thomas Brewer's(the fifth Thomas) line is distinctive in that they lived in Halifax County, NC from about after 1750 to 1788.
The top of this message at "Gary's Brewer" is paraphrased from the public Discussion here: Nathaniel Brewer, Sr.
Please SEE ALSO: https://www.geni.com/discussions/184457?authenticity_token=B7y9NJd5RnQR57bfeO%2BKdhj940eXZkqGN%2FTsBCz6zBU%3D&by_or_about=6000000002477111840&msg=1433764&page=1
Related links:
- https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/brewer-dna/about/background The Brewer DNA Project is a Y-chromosome project focused on the direct male (paternal) lines of ancestry of men with the surnames BREWER, BRUER, BROWER, BROUWER, BRAUER, BRUERE, BROWERE, and other possible variations.
- https://sites.rootsweb.com/~brouwergenealogydata/BrewerSouth/ui31.htm Brewer-Lanier DNA Analysis
- http://www.brewer-family.org/genealogy/brewer/ftdnawelcome.php FTDNA Project Page for George Brewer/Sarah Lanier Descendants
- https://sites.google.com/site/brewerdnaprojectpedigrees/home Brewer DNA Project Pedigrees
- https://sites.rootsweb.com/~brouwergenealogydata/NEBrewer/ui29.htm Brewer Families of New England