This project is to research and find out more about the DeLisser / De Lisser and other related families from Jamaica, West Indies, but originating in western Europe.
What can you do here?
- Ask questions.
- Collaborate on your research.
- Share knowledge you have gained as you've done your own research in a specific area.
- Problem finding an ancestors, open a discussion here and we all try to help
- Start your own related project.
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"Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present and future."--Gail Lumet Buckley (Born on December 21, 1937; daughter of Lena Horne).
Origins of the Surname
Theories and Projects
Quite a few of the masters had children by the slaves. In about 50 percent of the cases, the slave would end up with his master's name.
As time went on, slaves from the same plantation or same surname came together and married into their surname groups.
At this time, I working on:
Elder's Stories
DeLisser Notables
- Dick DeLisser