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Delineating Tree of Anbiya e Kiraam wa Ahle Bayt Muqaddas

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  • Imaam Muhammad "ash-Shakir" bin Imaam Isma'il (745 - 809)
    Progenitor of Fatimid Imamate ( Caliphate ) of Egypt . 7th Shia Ismai'li Imaam * Date of Ascension: c. 137 AH or 158 AH (c. 755 AD or 775 AD)* Period of Imamate: 45 Years* Wilaadat (Birth): 12th Rabi u...
  • Imam Ja’far ibn Muhammad Al-Baqir (702 - 765)
    6th Shia Itna'shari Imaam/ 5th Shia Ismai'li Imaam * Date of Ascension:* Period of Imamate:* Wilaadat (Birth): 17th Rabi' ul-Awwal 83 AH (23rd April 702 AD)* Wafaat (Death): 15th Shawwal 148 AH (7th De...
  • Imam Hazrat Syed Imam Muhammad Baqer RH Bin Imam Zainal Abidin (677 - 733)
    5th Shia Ithna'shari Imaam/ 4th Shia Ismai'li Imaam * Date of Ascension: * Period of Imamate:* Wilaadat (Birth): 1st Rajjab 57 AH (11th May 677 AD)* Wafaat (Death): 7th ZilHajja 114 AH (31st January 73...
  • Maulatena Shahrbanu binte Yazdegird III (b. - c.681)
    Shahrbānū (or Shehr Bano) (Persian: شهربانو; "Lady of the Land")[1] was allegedly one of the wives of Husayn ibn Ali, the third Shia Imam and grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, as well as the m...
  • Imam Ali Al-Sajjad Zain-ul-Abedin Al Husayni (659 - 713)
    4th Shia Ithna'shari Imaam/ 3rd Shia Ismai'li Imaam * Date of Ascension: * Period of Imamate:* Wilaadat (Birth): 15th Jamaadil Awwal 38 AH (20th October 658 AD)* Wafaat (Death): 18th Muharram 94 AH (27...

Bismillah hirr-Rahmaan irr-Raheem