Mittelbau-Dora (also Dora-Mittelbau and Nordhausen-Dora) was a Nazi Germany labour camp that provided workers for the Mittelwerk V-2 rocket factory in the Kohnstein, situated near Nordhausen, Germany.
Approximately 60,000 prisoners from 21 nations (mostly Russians, Poles, and French) passed through Dora. An estimated 20,000 inmates died; 9000 died from exhaustion and collapse, 350 hanged (including 200 for sabotage), the remainder died mainly from disease and starvation.
The subcamps of Konzentrationslager Mittelbau (Concentration Camp Central Construction) eventually totalled more than 40.
Sub Konzentrationslager Ellrich-Juliushutte (Mittelbau II) Ellrich was a sub camp of Mittlebau-Dora. A crematorium was built in this large sub camp due to the high death rate among prisoners even though it was close to the parent camp. The crematorium was brick built and existed at liberation.