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Dutch Wood for the Trees

The Dutch Wood for the Trees project

This project has the aim to explain the way about, how to browse through film rolls with ‘original Dutch records’ by using the Mormon database at

In fact these film roles containing the copy books of the original record books. We call it Back up these days, but in the past these copy books were kept in other locations than the city or village itself, in case of getting lost in fires and so on.

These film roles can be found on the Mormon website All credit to them for putting all those records on-line for everyone to use freely. Too bad though that these records haven’t been put on-line in a nice and orderly way. So it is very difficult at times to see the wood for the trees here.

Databases per province:

No longer online. The previous version still is


Birth and death records carry two dates. The date of registration and the actual date of birth. It can vary from time to time, sometimes a day, sometimes more days pass before registration.

Now the best short cut here is to make use of the year tables. There is a 10- years table and a 1- year table. These tables contains the date of registration which makes the finding of the record easy in the specific year, and even better if there is a record number mentioned here.

To make your search a success, you first go through the 10- years table and then see if the same name will show up in the 1- year table. This is also useful for retrieving the right dates if one is not written down clearly.

1- Year tables can always be found manually at the end of each year. This is needed sometimes at

Special dates

Sometimes Marriage records can keep documents like birth/death extracts of the parents or the name of late husband or wife. If someone gets married being under aged, the late parents death extracts will be included, if so.

Sometimes these extracts can be the only source for birth or death, names of people etc..!

Basic first instructions should be used as your main database, but it’s not complete yet, though it goes a long way!

Basically first you choose the province, then the town/village/city, then the 10 year table, then the year of BMD.

  • At the Homepage menu on top of the page:

Hoover above the capitol combinations and the name of the provinces will appear

At the main Province page on the left side you find the list of places

  • At the main page of the place you see two columns. The left column Doop Trouw Begraven, means Baptism/Marriage/Burial records The right column contains Burgerlijke Stand, meaning the civil registrations.

For Burgerlijke stand records select Tafels to brows through the ten year tables to see if you can spot the person you are looking for. After selecting Tafels, hit the grey button on the bottom of the column Maak een keuze

  • Now select the right 10 year table in the left column, but please note the right column Opmerking: You can choose here weather you want to browse via the fast method: Snel zoeken or choose index per film

With index per film you are able to make more specific choices to retrieve your data, this may vary though what choices can be made here.

  • After you have found the right persons date of registration you can now go to the right year by choosing:

Geboorten (birth) Huwelijken en Echtscheidingen (marriage and divorce) Overlijden (death) Huwelijkse bijlagen (Marriage extracts)

After selection, hit the Maak een keuze button again

!!! Dont forget the two columns here. The left column is the direct link to a familysearch page which extends your browsing time. If you choose Index per film you are able to narrow down your search.

At index per film you see 5 columns, the 3rd contains hyper links. You will have to browse through both links if needed. On of them contains your wanted document.




NOTE: At all times, please contact me and I will assist you wherever/whenever I can and go through it all, step by step!

itty_badge.gificn_message_send.gif Dimitri Gazan
