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Dynastic Name Progenitors

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  • Friedrich I "Maute" von Zollern, Graf von Zollern (bef.1062 - bef.1125)
    Frederick I, Count of Zollern===Friedrich (Frederick) I von Zollern was the successor to Burkhard (Burchard) I in the Hohenzollern Dynasty as Count of Zollern and has generally been assumed to have bee...
  • Count Egilmar II von Oldenburg, Graf zu Oldenburg und im Lerigau (c.1070 - c.1143)
    NOT TO BE MERGED. ; Egilmar II. (Oldenburg) aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Wechseln zu: Navigation, Suche Graf Egilmar II. (Sohn von Egilmar I.), urkundlich b...
  • Otto, count of Savoy (1023 - 1060)
    ODDON de Maurienne= Charles Cawley's Medieval Lands Database: [see this source for footnotes]B. COMTES de SAVOIE et de MAURIENNE 1060-1417 ODDON de Maurienne , son of HUMBERT Comte de Maurienne & his w...
  • Friedrich II "the Gentle", Elector of Saxony (1412 - 1464)
    Friedrich "der Sanftmütige" Kurfürst von Sachsen======Frederick "the Gentle" of Saxony===*Friedrich fought the so called Saxon Brother war with his brother William III 1446-1451 *Afterwards Saxon was d...
  • Henry II "Curtmantle", King of England (1133 - 1189)
    The first Plantagenet King .. Henry II Henry Plantagenet King of Find A Grave Memorial #1951 ====================================================================================================...

A fun project to identify and illustrate the earliest origins of the most illustrious dynastic names

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  • Progenitor : Aimon I, sire de Bourbon - born c900-905, died after January 954
  • Parents : Adhémar de Souvigny x Ermengarde
  • Dynasties : Bourbon, Orléans
  • Descendants : Kings of Navarra, France, Spain, Two Sicilies. Grand Dukes of Luxembourg. Dukes of Orléans, Bourbon, Vendôme, Parma, Sevilla…
  • Ancestral seat : Château de Bourbon, built in the 10th century
  • Location : Bourbon-l'Archambault, Allier, Auvergne, France
  • Coordinates : 46° 35′ 18″ N, 3° 03′ 31″ E or click Google Maps
  • Old name variants : Bourbon...


  • Progenitor : Werner I von Habsburg - born c1025-1030, died November 11, 1096
  • Parents : Radbot, Graf im Klettgau x Ida
  • Dynasties : Habsburg, Habsburg-Lothringen
  • Descendants : Dukes and Archdukes of Austria. Holy Roman Kings and Emperors. Kings of Spain…
  • Ancestral seat : Burg Habsburg, built around 1020-1030
  • Location: Habsburg, Aargau, Switzerland
  • Coordinates : 47° 27′ 45.86″ N, 8° 10′ 51.74″ E or click Google Maps
  • Old name variants : Havekhesperch (1150), Habisburch (1213), Habsburc (1238/39)


  • Progenitor : Friedrich I, Graf von Zollern - born c1095, died c1149
  • Parents : uncertain, but probably Burchard von Zollern x N.N.
  • Dynasties : Hohenzollern, Hohenzollern-Hechingen, Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen...
  • Descendants : Kings of Prussia, German Kings and Emperors, Kings of Romania...
  • Ancestral seat : Burg Hohenzollern, built since the 11th century, first mentioned in 1267
  • Location : Zimmern, Bisingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
  • Coordinates : 48° 19′ 23.5″ N, 8° 58′ 3.8″ E or click Google Maps
  • Old name variants : Zolre, Zolro, Zollern


  • Progenitor : Walram I, Graf von Nassau - born c1146, died July 5, 1197
  • Parents : Ruprecht II von Laurenburg x Beatrix
  • Dynasties : Nassau, Orange-Nassau, Nassau-Dillenburg, Nassau-Siegen...
  • Descendants : Kings and Queens of the Netherlands. King of England, Ireland and Scotland. King of Germany. Stadtholders of Holland. Grand Dukes of Luxembourg
  • Ancestral seat : Burg Nassau, first mentioned in 1093
  • Location: Nassau, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
  • Coordinates : 50° 18′ 37″ N, 7° 47′ 31″ E or click Google Maps


  • Progenitor : Egilmar II, Graf von Oldenburg - born c1070, died c1143
  • Parents : Egilmar I von Rüstringen x Richenza von Dithmarschen
  • Dynasties : Oldenburg, Schleswig-Holstein
  • Descendants : Kings of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Greece, Iceland. Dukes of Sachsen-Lauenburg. Duckes of Schleswig-Holstein. Emperors of Russia.
  • Ancestral seat : Burg Oldenburg, overbuilt 1607-1615 with Schloss Oldenburg
  • Location : Oldenburg, Niedersachsen, Germany
  • Coordinates : 53° 8′ 16″ N, 8° 13′ 0″ E or click Google Maps
  • Old name variants : Aldenburg, Oldeburch...


  • Progenitor : Henri II Plantagenêt, King of England - born March 3, 1133, died July 6, 1189
  • Parents : Geoffroy V d'Anjou x Matilda of England
  • Dynasties : Houses of Plantagenet, Lancaster, York...
  • Descendants : Kings of England, Germany. Princes of Wales. Dukes of Aquitaine, Normandy, Brittany. Counts of Anjou, Maine, Nantes, Poitou...
  • Ancestral seat : Château de Chinon, built in the 10th century
  • Location : Chinon, Indre-et-Loire, France
  • Coordinates : 47° 10′ 05″ N, 0° 14′ 10″ E or click Google Maps


  • Progenitor : Feodor Nikitich Romanov, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia - born 1553, died October 1, 1633
  • Parents : Nikita Romanovich Zakharyin-Yuriev x Varvara Ivanovna Khovrina-Golovina
  • Dynasties : Romanov
  • Descendants : Tsars of Russia, Kazan, Astrakhan, Poland, Siberia, Tauric Khersones, Georgia, Bulgaria. Princes of Smolensk, Lithuania, Finland, Estonia...
  • Ancestral seat : Palace of the Romanov Boyars, built in the 16th century
  • Location : Moscow, Russia
  • Coordinates : 55° 45' 10.00" N, 37° 37' 45.37" E or click Google Maps


  • Progenitor : Friedrich II, Kurfürst von Sachsen - born August 22, 1412, died September 7, 1464
  • Parents : Friedrich I von Meissen x Katharina von Braunschweig
  • Dynasties : Sachsen, Sachsen-Coburg, Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha, Windsor...
  • Descendants : Kings of Belgium. Kings and Queens of the United Kingdom...
  • Ancestral seat : Schloss Altenburg
  • Location : Altenburg, Thüringen, Germany
  • Coordinates : 50° 59' 17.75" N, 12° 26' 21.66" E or click Google Maps


  • Progenitor : Othon I, comte de Savoie - born c. 1023, died March 1, 1060
  • Parents : Humbert de Maurienne x Ancilie
  • Dynasties : Savoie, Savoia...
  • Descendants : Kings of Italy, Spain, Sardinia, Croatia, Armenia...
  • Ancestral seat : Château de Charbonnières, built around 1040, first mentioned in 1042
  • Location : Aiguebelle, Savoie, France
  • Coordinates : 45° 32' 11.26" N, 6° 18' 38.63" E or click Google Maps
  • Old name variants : Savoie (French), Savoia (Italian), Savouè (Arpitan)...


  • Progenitor : Otto I von Wittelsbach, Herzog von Bayern - born c1117, died July 11, 1183
  • Parents : Otto IV von Scheyern x Heilika von Pettendorf
  • Dynasties : Wittelsbach, Bayern
  • Descendants : Dukes and Kings of Bavaria. Electors Palatine. Holy Roman Emperors. Kings of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Greece…
  • Ancestral seat : Burg Wittelsbach, first mentioned c1100
  • Location : Oberwittelsbach, Aichach, Bavaria, Germany
  • Coordinates : 48° 28′ 6.96″ N, 11° 10′ 34.32″ E or click Google Maps
  • Old name variants : Witilinesbac (1115)