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Eastern Cemetery, Invercargill, Southland, South Island, New Zealand

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  • William Hunter Mathieson (1851 - 1899)
    Obituary. It is with very deep regret that we announce the death of Mr W. H. Mathieson, the widely-known proprietor of the American Carriage Factory. Until a short time ago the deceased enjoyed robust ...
  • Mary Lillias Mathieson (1855 - 1906)
    The death is announced at Dunedin of Mrs W. H. Mathieson of Invercargill, after a brief illness. The deceased lady moved to Dunedin with her family some two years ago and, thought her health was not ro...
  • John Robertson (1835 - 1872)
  • Donald McQuilkan (b. - 1902)
  • Catherine McQuilkan (1845 - 1913)

Eastern Cemetery is the main cemetery in Invercargill covering over 30 hectares. It is located on the corner of East & Rockdale Roads, Invercargill, South Island, New Zealand.

Notable burials:

  • Burt Munro (1899-1978). New Zealander Burt Munro went to Bonneville Utah, in 1967, and rode his 1920, Indian motorcycle to fame gaining the world land speed record for a motorcycle, which still stands today. He did this in his 60s, and went back to Utah nine times in 11 years breaking various records for speed. Anthony Hopkins played Burt in the 2005 movie, "The Worlds Fastest Indian."