The Foad Surname DNA Project is a genealogy project using standard genealogical Y-DNA tests to connect scattered Foad families and to discover their ancient ethnic and geographic origins. In the 1881 census of England and Wales, almost all Foads were found to live in the eastern half of Kent County, leading one to suspect that there might have been a single founder of the Foad families. Please visit our official Website at
Foad Surname DNA Project.
Besides connecting related Foad families where genealogical documentation is not available, one of our goals is to test the 'single-founder' hypothesis for Foads. We have already tested 14 Foad, Foat , and Foate men in England, Wales, Canada, Australia, and the USA, and found that they belong to only 5 genetically unique family lines If you are interested in joining our project, please visit our Website and contact me by following the Join link.