Cometan, Astronic philosopher and founder of Astronism
Bertrand Russell, philosopher, logician, and historian
William of Ockham, Franciscan friar and scholastic philosopher
Susan Haack, philosopher and professor
Henry Sidgwick, utilitarian philosopher and economist
Catharine Trotter Cockburn, moral philosopher
Bernard Williams, moral philosopher
John Locke, philosopher and physician
Frank P. Ramseyt, philosopher, mathematician and economist
A project dedicated to listing and exploring the life and works of some of England's most famous philsoophers both from philosophers of the Middle Ages like William of Ockham all the way to the most contemporary of philosophers like Cometan, the founder of Astronism.
- J. L. Ackrill
- H. B. Acton
- Samuel Alexander
- G. E. M. Anscombe
- J. L. Austin
- A. J. Ayer
- Michael R. Ayers
- Francis Bacon
- Roger Bacon
- Julian Baggini
- Thomas Baldwin
- Alexander Bain
- John Renford Bambrough
- Owen Barfield
- Jonathan Barnes
- David Bell
- Piers Benn
- Jonathan Bennett
- Jeremy Bentham
- George Berkeley
- Isaiah Berlin
- Simon Blackburn
- George Boole
- Mary Everest Boole
- F. H. Bradley
- R. B. Braithwaite
- Ray Brassier
- C. D. Broad
- John Broome
- Thomas Browne
- Malcolm Budd
- Jeremy Butterfield
- John Cartwright (political reformer)
- Quassim Cassam
- Peter Caws
- G. K. Chesterton
- Stephen R. L. Clark
- Catherine Trotter Cockburn
- David Cockburn
- R. G. Collingwood
- Cometan
- David Conway (academic)
- John Cook Wilson
- David E. Cooper
- Edward Craig
- Tim Crane
- Roger Crisp
- Simon Critchley
- Helena Cronin
- Ralph Cudworth
- Nathaniel Culverwel
- Augustus De Morgan
- Peter Dews
- Ramsey Dukes
- Michael Dummett
- Duns Scotus
- Dorothy Edgington
- Nader El-Bizri
- Ronald Englefield
- Dylan Evans
- Gareth Evans
- A. C. Ewing
- Antony Flew
- Philippa Foot
- Miranda Fricker
- Paul W. Franks
- W. B. Gallie
- Patrick Gardiner
- Peter Geach
- Raymond Geuss
- Margaret Gilbert
- Jonathan Glover
- William Godwin
- Iain Hamilton Grant
- John N. Gray
- A. C. Grayling
- Celia Green
- Thomas Hill Green
- John Grote
- David Guest
- Susan Haack
- Peter Hacker
- John Joseph Haldane
- Bob Hale
- R. M. Hare
- Harold Foster Hallett
- Jane Heal
- Erich Heller
- John Hick
- J. M. Hinton
- Thomas Hobbes
- Angie Hobbs
- Ted Honderich
- Jennifer Hornsby
- Paul Horwich
- Gillian Howie
- Colin Howson
- David Hume
- Francis Hutcheson
- Harold Joachim
- C. E. M. Joad
- John Foster
- John Henry Newman
- Bernard Philip Kelly
- Anthony Kenny
- Damien Keown
- Martha Klein
- Brian Klug
- William Angus Knight
- Arthur Koestler
- Stephan Körner
- Martin Kusch
- John Laird
- Nick Land
- Rae Helen Langton
- Mike Lesser
- John Levy
- C.S. Lewis
- Casimir Lewy
- John Locke
- E.J. Lowe
- John Lucas (philosopher)
- Anthony Ludovici
- John McDowell
- Cecil Alec Mace
- Margaret MacDonald
- J. L. Mackie
- John Macmurray
- Fiona Macpherson
- Bryan Magee
- Nicholas Maxwell
- Hugh Mellor
- Mary Midgley
- John Stuart Mill
- Alan Millar
- David Miller
- Ray Monk
- George Edward Moore
- Charles Morris, Baron Morris of Grasmere
- Stephen Mulhall
- Kevin Mulligan
- Stephen Mumford
- Iris Murdoch
- Geoffrey Reginald Gilchrist Mure
- Stephen Neale
- Michael Oakeshott
- Kieron O'Hara
- Onora O'Neill, Baroness O'Neill of Bengarve
- Sydney Sparkes Orr
- Thomas Paine
- William Paley
- David Papineau
- Derek Parfit
- Christopher Peacocke
- David Pearce
- William Penn
- Michael Polanyi
- Karl Popper
- Graham Priest
- Anthony Quinton, Baron Quinton
- Janet Radcliffe Richards
- Hastings Rashdall
- Frank P. Ramsey
- Carveth Read
- Rupert Read
- R. R. Rockingham Gill
- Gonzalo Rodríguez Pereyra
- Gillian Rose
- Robert Rowland Smith
- Richard Rufus of Cornwall
- Bertrand Russell
- Gilbert Ryle
- Mark Sacks
- Mark Sainsbury
- F. C. S. Schiller
- Roger Scruton
- Niall Shanks
- Henry Sidgwick
- Peter Simons
- Timothy Smiley
- Adam Smith
- Alic Halford Smith
- Kate Soper
- William Ritchie Sorley
- Timothy Sprigge
- Olaf Stapledon
- Susan Stebbing
- James Hutchison Stirling
- William Stoddart
- Alan Stout
- George Stout
- Galen Strawson
- P. F. Strawson
- Richard Swinburne
- Alfred Edward Taylor
- Gabriele Taylor
- Jenny Teichman
- George Derwent Thomson
- John Toland
- J. O. Urmson
- Richard Rudolf Walzer
- James Ward
- Mary Warnock, Baroness Warnock
- Alan Watts
- Jonathan Westphal
- William Whewell
- Jamie Whyte
- David Wiggins
- William of Ockham
- Bernard Williams
- Timothy Williamson
- Gerrard Winstanley
- John Wisdom
- Ludwig Wittgenstein
- Richard Wollheim
- Crispin Wright