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Ferdinandi Family and Schram Family from Sokolov (Falkenau)

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This Project includes Members of the

"Ferdinandi Family" and "Schram Family", "Leichleitner Family" and "Haase von Wranau Family" from Bohemia.
Meine zweiunddreissig Ahnen und ihre Sippenkreise: ... - Page › books
Roman Freiherr von Procházka · 1928 · ‎ Snippet view

... Carlo Ferdinandi , venezianischer Nobile „ della terra ferma " , an- geblich Oberst , floh aus politischen Gründen aus Italien nach Böhmen und ward fürstl . Löwenstein - Wertheimscher Pächter und Hofbesitzer bei Görkau

Carlo Ferdinandi, Venetian nobleman "della terra ferma", supposedly a colonel, fled from Italy to Bohemia for political reasons and became a princely Löwenstein-Wertheim tenant and court owner near Görkau