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Find a Grave worldwide

Have you tried to find a relative's grave and can't seem to locate it? Do you remember your parents talking about where grandma and grandpa are buried, but they have disappeared? Are you trying to track down your geneology and need birth and death dates of a specific relative? Just follow these few steps to find a grave.

Sysoon is is a free resource for finding the final resting place of family, friends, and 'famous' individuals.

Search for deceased and find a grave online for Free. Find Famous Graves and see the graves of thousands of famous people from around the world.

This is currently the most extensive single source, with the information fairly reliable

A rapidly-growing site, due to the ease of uploading pictures of grave sites; however, the "translation" of the content of the pictures lags severely, and the quality of the translation often suffers because the person uploading the picture does not necessarily do the "transcription" into a searchable form.