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  • Iida Aleksandra Juhontytär Saarinen (1894 - d.)
    4.9.1894 syntyi Kullaa Palusjärventaus Kullaa > syntyneet, 1885-1894, kuva 64 1894-1909 Kullaa Palusjärventaus Karra Kullaa rippikirja 1882-1891 s. 415 Palus, Karra; Kullaa > rippikirja, 189...
  • Andrea Eldevig (1910 - 1991)
    Fólkateljing við Gjógv 1921 húski Rasmus Debes .
  • Alexandra Tranchant(Danielsson) (1874 - 1953)
    muutto Maariasta Turkuun kapteeni Danielssonin kasvatiksi:Maaria muuttaneet 1878 N:0 14 Maarian seurakunnan arkisto - I Ba:4 Seurakuntaan muuttaneiden luettelot 1844-1878, jakso 175: 1878 tammikuu; Kan...
  • CHEE Lak Neo, 徐六娘 (1919 - 2005)
    Chee Lak Neo is daughter of Chee Swee Cheng’s first daughter , apparently. She was a ‘Ong’ but changed to Chee when adopted by Chee Swee Cheng as a daughter of Chee Guan Chiang. Wellington House: 25 Gr...
  • Sandro Botticelli 1445-1510
    Maria di Piero de' Medici (1455 - 1479)
    - an illegitimate daughter of Piero, raised by Lucrezia Piero's wife - ROSSI, Luigi de’. – Nacque il 6 agosto 1474 a Lione da Lionetto, direttore del locale banco mediceo sin dal 1470, e da Maria de...

Foster care is a system in which a minor has been placed into a ward, group home (residential child care community, treatment center, etc.), or private home of a state-certified caregiver, referred to as a "foster parent", or with a family member approved by the state. The placement of a "foster child" is normally arranged through the government or a social service agency. The institution, group home, or foster parent is compensated for expenses unless with a family member.

The state, via the family court and child protective services agency, stand in loco parentis to the minor, making all legal decisions while the foster parent is responsible for the day-to-day care of the minor.

Scholars and activists are concerned about the efficacy of the foster care services provided by NGOs. Specifically, this pertains to poor retention rates of social workers. Poor retention rates are attributed to being overworked in an emotionally draining field that offers minimal monetary compensation. The lack of professionals pursuing a degree in social work coupled with poor retention rates in the field has led to a shortage of social workers and created large caseloads for those who choose to work and stay in the field. The efficacy of caseworker retention also affects the overall ability to care for clients. Low staffing leads to data limitations that infringe on caseworkers' ability to adequately serve clients and their families.

Foster care is correlated with a range of negative outcomes compared to the general population. Children in foster care have a high rate of ill health, particularly psychiatric conditions such as anxiety, depression, and eating disorders. One third of foster children in a US study reported abuse from a foster parent or other adult in the foster home. Nearly half of foster children in the US become homeless when they reach the age of 18, and the poverty rate is three times higher among foster care alumni than in the general population.


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