census widow Anne Milanowski (born Nov. 1845 Poland Germany - immigration: 1860), William Milanowski, Roman Milanowski, Heromin Milanowski, Leonard Milanowski, Fraiska Milanowski, Joseph Milanowski, Be...
(4 Aug) Jos. Milanowski (21yrs) arrived in New York from Hamburg, Germany on the ship "Elise Ruebcke".1870 census Joseph Millenowski, Ann Millenowski, Mary Millenowski, Alex Millenowski & Veronica Mill...
Emigrated at age 15 with mother Ewa Szarmach Ramczykowska Stolpa and stepfather Michal Stolpa from Hamburg to Quebec City on the ship Minna, June 1863. Frank and Julia Snyder are listed next to Michael...
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