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  • Grace Robins (c.1603 - 1681)
    Legend claims she was an Irish lady of noble birth, who fled to America to escape a repugnant forced marriage. It's a pretty legend, but it isn't true. Hers is still quite a romantic and dramatic story...
  • Robert Worthington (1770 - 1843)
    said to have been the first governor of Ohio and to have freed his slaves
  • Capt. Isaac Ross, of Prospect Hill (1760 - 1836)
    Isaac Ross is a DAR Patriot Ancestor A098428 Captain Isaac Ross served with 2nd Regiment of State Dragoons, South Carolina State Troops during the American Revolution. Isaac Ross is an NSSAR Patriot...
  • Thomas Winslow (1745 - 1826)
    Thomas Winslow's will was dated 13 6mo (Jun) 1825 and probated August 1826 WINSLOW, THOMAS Ancestor #: A128858 Service: NORTH CAROLINA Rank(s): PATRIOTIC SERVICE Birth: 1-8-1745 PASQUOTANK CO NORTH...
    William Bryant Shields (c.1794 - 1857)
    According to the television show Finding Your Roots (S7,E6), they could find no documentation he was ever married . Positos/Oakley Texas 1886 book states it is believed William is the son of Reuben ...

The most difficult thing for a genealogist is to break a brick wall.

There are so many reasons a line is impenetrable BUT the lack of records is one huge one.

For African American ancestry, DNA and slave documents are doing the heavy lifting of reconnecting descendants to their ancestors.

I hope this helps someone to find a lost line....