This project is to bring together the Fullers of the world in a reunion of people, places and destinations. From the Mayflower to the future, Fullers have made their way across lands, seas and the pages of histories. If you know a Fuller, leave them here so we can know them too.
"Fuller is a name that was formed by the Anglo-Saxon society of old Britain. The name was thought to have been used for someone who once worked as a person who worked as a fuller. During medieval times the work of the fuller was to wash yardage, by scouring and thickening the cloth for the purpose of pre-shrinking. The fuller would do this by beating and trampling the raw cloth while it was soaking in the water."
"Fuller is an English occupational surname for someone who prepared cloth for use. It comes from the Old English "fullere", which comes from the Latin "fullo", to smooth. Most likely it was taken to England by the Normans after the Battle of Hastings. Originally, the word was used only in southern England, with the rest of the island using "walker". Fuller family history begins in the northern county of Yorkshire, where Roger Fulur was noted in the Assize Court Rolls in 1219. Fuller genealogy includes architect Buckminster Fuller, Marine Corps General Ben Fuller, and solar cell inventor Calvin Fuller."
Fullers of Mayflower fame:
- Edward Fuller, "Mayflower" Passenger
- Wife of Edward Fuller, Mayflower" Passenger
- Samuel Fuller, "Mayflower" Passenger
- Dr. Samuel Fuller, "Mayflower" Passenger
Fullers around America and across the globe: