Game of Thrones Umbrella Project
This project will act as an organisational structure for linking various projects that can be developed to categorise GoT profiles.
Initially we will link every profile to this project but depending on the numbers involved we may at a later date remove them and instead have individual profiles add to House/Family project’s and then tie those projects back to this one. Initially I envision a project for each of the noble families, a Night’s Watch project, a project for Maesters etc
Nothing is off limits, assume that everyone has read every book and watched every episode. If you are discussing a theory please make that clear from the start and explain your jumping off point.
The tree will be aligned to the writings of G.R.R. Martin (primarily the ASOIAF novels), with initial reference for dispute resolution to https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Main_Page, until such time as a better resource is determined.
Please do not use events from the later series of the TV show.
Which characters to add to Geni
- There are over 2,000 names on https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/List_of_characters but characters without any family members should not be added to Geni, nor animals. Dragon’s maybe but initially lets focus on Westerosi humans.
- If you are starting to build a new family please ask a Curator to make the first profile so that it can be isolated from ever being connected to Geni’s World Family Tree (you know, the one with real people in it).
- Please follow general naming conventions of Geni or start a Project Discussion if you want specific advice.
- Please only put names in the Default language tab, do not use alternate language tabs for fictional languages from the series.
- King, Queen, Prince, Princess are valid entries in the Geni Title field (for appropriate characters). Please do not add Ser or Maester to name fields as these belong in Occupation.
- ”Lord of Winterfell” and other such honorifics belong in the Suffix field but please only put the highest rank in the Suffix field and put the rest in Occupation.
- Please refrain from using the Display Name field.
- Noble ladies appear to retain their Birth Surname through out their lives regardless of who they marry, please do not change a woman’s Last Name to match her husband’s unless there is a source to support this (Catelyn Stark is a notable exclusion).
GoT counts years from (or before) Aegon’s Conquest. For simplicity’s sake on Geni we will use the international recognised Gregorian calendar system of AD (and BC) where AD substitutes for AC.