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Gedenkbuch "orphan" profiles

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  • Jenny Bilewski (1882 - 1943)
    May 1939 at Berlin address, alone. Possible father: Julius Bilewsky . All his children born Lotzen. Entry in »Gedenkbuch« of Bundesarchiv: Bilewski, Jenny born on the 31st July 1882 in Lötzen/Ostpre...
  • Edith Gundermann (1910 - 1943)
    May 1939 at Berlin address, alone: Searched Ancestry, MyHeritage, Yad Vashem, WGA, Google, Jewishgen, Arolsen: nothing additional to Gedenkbuch, MtL found. Entry in »Gedenkbuch« of Bundesarchiv: G...
  • Hermine Gut (1869 - 1942)
    Breslau Synagogue List: the only GUT; state librarian. Searched Ancestry, MyHeritage, Yad Vashem, WGA, Google, Jewishgen, Arolsen: nothing additional to Gedenkbuch, MtL found. Entry in »Gedenkbuch« ...
  • Karoline Leers (1858 - 1943)
    Aurich stolperstein: No parent info. May 1939 at Aurich address, the only LEERS; she was deported from Berlin: Sterbe: Handarbeitslehrerin
  • Dorothea Dora Rector (1861 - 1942)
    May 1939 at Berlin address, the only RECTOR: Theresienstadt death record confirms her as single. Searched Ancestry, Yad Vashem testimony, Jewishgen: nothing more found. Entry in »Gedenkbuch« of B...

This project is to tag profiles created in Geni from Bundesarchiv Gedenkbuch information where, after reasonably wide-ranging internet searches, one is unable to identify any family relationships. The 'About' section must explain which sources have been checked.

As additional records are released to the internet, some of these "mysteries" may be solved!
Or maybe there is something that one has "missed".

Robert Tomski
July 2023