I would like to collect the genetic abnormalities because I have noticed a lot of inbreeding in the past - let's see if there is a pattern:
- Rosemary Ann Dunbar - Mental Retardation (Newberry Family)
- Angie S. Hake - Down Syndrome (Newberry Family)
- Don J. Giesing - Down Syndrome (Newberry Family)
- Jakie R. Moser - Down Syndrome (Gallaher Family)
- Phillip A. Peters - Mental Retardation (Newberry Family)
- Classified Ad Rapist - Klinefelter Syndrome
- Elijah C. Sly - Anencephaly
- Kambryn J. Peukert - Ichthyosis
- Edward “Eddie” Howell
- Wilhelm Johnson Scholz - Patau syndrome
- Myles Patrick Grant - HLH - Blessing Hospital Quincy, Illinois
- Conjoined Twins