Geni naming conventions - Normans
Main principle:
Name as close to original name as possible, with language, geography and time period to be taken into consideration
- French names for Normans and early Anglo-Normans (thus: Richard I 'Sans-Peur' de Normandie, not Richard I 'the Fearless' of Normandy)
- Titles usually go in the Suffix field, and written in French forms (Comte de, Duc de, Seigneur de, Comtesse de)
- Additional titles may be placed in Work (Occupation) with year frame and should also be included in the About Me information
- Adjust First Name field to avoid misunderstandings or mistaken identity where necessary, by adding order/number (I, II, III, etc.) and/or byname or sobriquet(generally in quote marks).
- Patronymics (e.g., FitzRichard) may go in the Middle Name field if there is a place-based name for the last name field; otherwise, they may be put in the Last Name field
- Maiden Names are normally not needed as there were none at the time; this field can be used for alternate name information as needed, for men or for women
- All names a person is known by in any source should be listed in Nicknames (think "Also Known As"): bynames (especially in English), additional titles, variations.