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German Jews emigrated to Belgium, 1934-1940

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  • Regina (Gina) Esther Fett (1887 - 1956)
    1935 Flucht nach Brüsselcf.:
  • Grete Angres (1892 - d.)
    Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Apr 17 2018, 20:04:43 UTC * Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy : Apr 25 2018, 19:19:14 UTC
  • Leopold Oppenheimer (1925 - 1942)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Oppenheimer, Leopold geboren am 04. März 1925 in Frankfurt a. Main / - / Hessen-Nassau wohnhaft in Frankfurt a. MainEmigration: BelgienDeportation: ab Mechelen...
  • Jakob Oppenheimer (1926 - 1942)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Oppenheimer, Jacob geboren am 22. August 1926 in Frankfurt a. Main / - / Hessen-Nassau wohnhaft in Frankfurt a. MainDeportation: 1942, Auschwitz, Vernichtungsl...
  • Paula Oppenheimer (1900 - d.)

This project's goal is to concentrate the names of the German Jews who left Germany for Belgium during the Nazi period.

Which profile can be added to the project:

  • German Jews who left for Belgium (after 1933), lived the for at least some months and then decided to emigrate to another country.
  • German Jews who left for Belgium (after 1933) and killed in the holocaust.
  • German Jews who left for Belgium (after 1933) and lived there.

According to the Jewish Virtual Library, more than 20,000 German Jews lived in Belgium before the holocaust.

Resources about Belgian-German Jews:

Names of 408 Belgian-German-Jews who killed in the holocaust: