Ordre de la Toison d'Or - Order of the Golden Fleece
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Wars, Conflicts, and Historical Events
- Work in progress
- List of the relevant wars, conflicts and other historical events that are directly related to the expansion and reach of the Order of the Golden Fleece
- Grouped by timeframes, highlighting the sovereignty of the Order
- This list may expand or contract (work in progress)
- Each event will be updated with a brief description, and a link to the main Geni project covering this event (if available). Those project are highlighting the main protagonists involved in these events. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Châpitre VI (des Statuts) : Item pour cette cause & pour la grande amour & confidence de nos freres Chevaliers d'iceluy ordre, Nous pour nous & nos successeurs souverains, determinons que nous ne iceux, n'entreprendons aucunes guerres ou autres hautes & pesantes besongnes, que avant ne l'ayons fait sçavoir à la greigneur partie desdits freres Chevaliers, pour sur ce avoir leur advis & bon conseil. Sauf en entreprinses secrettes & hastives, dont le reveler à plusieurs pourroit porter prejudice & dommage ausdites entreprinses.
Article VI (of the Statutes) : For this cause and for the love and trust of our brother Knights of this Order, We for ourselves and for our successor sovereigns, determine that we nor them will undertake wars or other high and heavy matters, before having consulted the majority of these brother Knights, in order to obtain their advise and good councel. Except in secret and urgent undertakings, which if revealed to many would prejudice and dammage the said undertakings.
(Liberal English translation, please suggest improvements if needed)
Golden Fleece under the Burgundians
- 1462-1472 : Catalonian Civil War
- Context : A series of conflicts in which King Philipp von Habsburg later becomes King of Castilla, which thus strengthened the Burgundy/Austria/Spain axis against France.
- 1465-1477 : League of the Public Good
- Context : A series of conflicts that pitted Duke Maximilian von Habsburg - and they were able to maintain their hold over the Low Countries, thus creating an Austrian block (which later aligned with Spain) against France.
- End : 1477, Battle of Nancy
- 1465-1468 : Liège Wars
- Context : A series of rebellions of the Prince-Bischopic of Liège against the desire of Duke Charles of Burgundy in 1477.
- 1475-1479 : War of the Castilian Succession
- Context : Upon the death of Ferdinand of Aragon. Aragon won the war, thus strengthening the alliance with Burgundy (and later, Austria) against France.
- End : 1479, Treaty of Alcáçovas-Toledo
Golden Fleece under the Austrian Habsburgs
- 1494- 1559 : Italian Wars
- Context: During this period, the Habsburgs (first under Emperor François I) have historical claims over the Duchy of Milan and the Kingdom of Naples and are keen on controlling these areas to balance the Habsburg power. The Italian wars are a series of wars and battles with often varying alliances. They concern the rule of the Visconti and Sforza in Milan, and the control of the Aragonese crown over Naples and Sicily. The outcome of these wars is an ever-growing dominance of Habsburg over Italy - controlled from Spain.
- End: Various military losses and the death of the French King Henri II left France in political turmoil. It signalled an end to its claims in Italy
- 1494-1497 : Italian War - France/Milan against the League of Venice
- End: 1497, Truce of Alcalá de Henares
- 1499-1504 : Italian War - France and Spain against Naples
- End: 1504, Truce of Lyon
- 1508-1511 : War of the League of Cambrai - France/Spain/Austria against Venice and the Papal States
- End: 1511, formation of the Holy League
- 1511-1513 : Italian war - Holy League (Papal States, Spain, Venice, England) against Franca
- End: 1513, Treaty of Dijon
- 1515-1516 : Italian War - France against Milan
- End: 1516, Treaty of Noyon
- 1521-1526 : Italian War - France against Naples
- End: 1526, Treaty of Madrid
- 1526-1529 : War of the League of Cognac - France/England/Papal States/Venice/Florence against Holy Roman Empire
- End: 1529, Treaty of Cambrai
- 1535-1537 : Italian War - France against Holy Roman Empire
- End: 1538, Truce of Nice
- 1542-1546 : Italian War - France/Ottomans against Holy Roman Empire
- End: 1546, Treaty of Ardres
- 1551-1559 : Italian War - France/Papal States against Holy Roman Empire
- End: 1559, Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis
- 1494-1497 : Italian War - France/Milan against the League of Venice
- 1499-1499 : Swabian War
- End: 1503, Battle of Garigliano
- 1502-1543 : Guelderian Wars
- 1527-1529 : Ottoman-Habsburg War
- 1546-1547 : Schmalkaldic War
Golden Fleece under the Spanish Habsburgs
- 1568-1648 : Eighty Years' War
- End: 1648, Peace of Münster
- 1580-1583 : War of the Portuguese Succession
- 1585-1604 : Anglo-Spanish War
- End: 1604, Treaty of London
- 1591-1606 : Long War (Ottoman War)
- End: 1606, Peace of Zsitvatorok
- 1618-1648 : Thirty Years' War
- End: 1648, Peace of Westphalen
- 1640-1668 : Portuguese Restoration War
- End: 1668, Treaty of Lisbon
- 1652-1674 : Anglo-Dutch Wars
- 1663-1664 : Ottoman War (Austro-Turkish War)
- End: 1664, Peace of Vasvár
- 1667-1668 : War of Devolution
- End: 1668, Treat of Aachen
- 1672-1678 : Franco-Dutch War
- End: 1668, Treaty of Nijmegen
- 1683-1684 : War of the Reunions
- End: 1668, Truce of Regensburg
- 1683-1698 : Ottoman War (Great Turkish War)
- End: 1699, Treaty of Karlowitz
- 1688-1697 : Nine Years' War
- End: 1697, Treaty of Rijswijk
Golden Fleece under Spanish (Bourbon) and Austrian (Habsburg) branches
- 1701-1714 : War of the Spanish Succession
- End: 1714, Treaty of Rastatt
- 1703-1711 : Rákóczi's War of Independence
- 1718-1720 : War of the Quadruple Alliance
- End: 1720, Treaty of The Hague
- 1740-1748 : War of the Austrian Succession
- End: 1748, Treaty of Aachen
- 1756-1763 : Seven Years' War
- End: 1763, Treaty of Hubertusburg
- 1778-1779 : War of the Bavarian Succession
- End: 1779, Treaty of Teschen
- 1792-1802 : French Revolutionary Wars
- End: 1802, Treaty of Amiens
- 1803-1815 : Napoleonic Wars
- End: 1815, Treaty of Paris
- 1821-1832 : Greek War of Independence
- 1830-1831 : Belgian Revolution
- 1833-1839 : First Carlist War
- 1848-1849 : Hungarian Revolution
- 1848-1866 : Wars of Italian Independence
- 1866-1866 : Austro-Prussian War
- End: 1866, Peace of Prague
- 1870-1871 : Franco Prussian War
- End: 1871, Treaty of Frankfurt
- 1912-1913 : Balkan Wars
- 1914-1918 : World War I
- End: 1919, Treaty of Versailles