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Graham Bartlett's Records

Graham Bartlett's Records

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This is a project for all of Graham Bartlett's Family Trees. The aim is to put down all descendants from the family tree onto Geni. If you would like to help, then please send a collaborator a message.

If you get invited unexpectedly, that means that you might manage some profiles that have people on the family tree.

APPROXIMATE COMPLETED STATUS ON TRANSFER TO GENI: (FYI these are all the family trees that can be done.)

Eliza Nash Pedigree{Starts with Eliza Bartlett} 100%

Walter Bartlett Pedigree{Starts with Walter Bartlett} 99% (Needs Proofreading)

Arthur James Pitt Pedigree{Starts with Arthur James Pitt} 25% (Before Massive Merge)

Mary Eliza Brumby Pedigree{Starts with Mary Eliza Pitt} 5% (Can Be Continued: Only 1 line has been completed plus a Merge event)

Gatske Bosma Pedigree{Starts with Gatske Bosma} 1% (Can Be Continued: Only 1 person has been completed)

Fede de Boer Pedigree{Starts with Fedde De Boer} 1% (Can Be Continued: Only 1 person has been completed)

If a profile has all the information from the family trees needed then can you please add them to this project to say that they are done.

Dit is een project voor alle Graham Bartlett's Family Trees. Het doel is om alle nakomelingen uit de stamboom op Geni te zetten. Als je wilt helpen, stuur dan een medewerker een bericht.

Als u onverwachts wordt uitgenodigd, betekent dit dat u mogelijk enkele profielen beheert die mensen in de stamboom hebben.

GESCHATTE VOLTOOIDE STATUS: (Ter info: dit zijn alle stambomen die kunnen worden gedaan.)

Eliza Nash Pedigree 100% {Begint met Eliza Bartlett}

Walter Bartlett Pedigree 99% (proeflezen vereist) {Begint met Walter Bartlett}

Arthur James Pitt 25% (vóór massale samenvoeging) {begint met Arthur James Pitt}

Mary Eliza Brumby 5% (kan worden vervolgd: slechts 1 regel is voltooid) {Begint met Brumby / 6000000170982163872}

Gatske Bosma 1% (kan worden vervolgd: slechts 1 persoon is voltooid) {Begint met / 6000000170982163924}

Fede de Boer 1% (kan worden vervolgd: slechts 1 persoon is voltooid) {Begint met De-Boer / 6000000170982163930}