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  • Christopher Harding
    Guinness Book of World Records has him listed as a 197 IQ Co Founder of the Mega Society Founder of the International Society for Philosophical Enquiry
  • Evangelos Katsioulis
    Katsioulis (born 19 January 1976, Ioannina, Greece) is a Greek medical doctor and psychiatrist. He currently lives and works in Thessaloniki, Greece.Katsioulis is known for his high intelligence test s...
  • YoungHoon Kim
    DR. YOUNGHOON KIM FROM SOUTH KOREA HAS THE HIGHEST IQ 276 SCORE EVER RECORDED IN THE WORLD. As of 2024, Dr. YoungHoon Kim established the Official World Record® for the title "The World's Highe...

HELLIQ Society is the new millennium high IQ society for the profoundly gifted homines intelligentes. Founded on the first day of the third millennium (01/01/2001) by Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis MD, HELLIQ functions as an entirely web based superior intelligence community.

HELLIQ Society is the 2nd member society of the World Intelligence Network (WIN)