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Hopewell Cemetery, Lee County, Alabama

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  • John H. "Jack" Leonard (1845 - 1901)
    John H. Leonard was born May 1845 according to census records. He first married Celia Ann Darden December 6, 1868 in Lee County, Alabama and had four known children. After Celia died he married a secon...
  • Celia Ann Martha Leonard (1846 - 1894)

Also known as Hopewell Methodist Church Cemetery, Hopewell Cemetery is located in rural Lee County, about halfway between Phenix City and Auburn/Opelika and about 8 miles from the town of Salem. It is at the the intersection of Lee Co. Road 135 and Lee Co. Road 136. The mailing address is: 1993 Lee Rd 136 Opelika, AL 36804.