The subject of this project is to descripe the rulers of the house of Hesse and its branches. This project is a subproject to Noble houses of Europe
Hesse, 1264–1458
- Henry I the Child 1264–1308
- Otto the Elder son of Henry I, 1308–1328 until 1311in Upper Hesse (Marburg), reunited Hesse in 1311, by the dead of John
- John, son of Henry I, 1308–1311 in Lower Hesse (Kassel)
- Henry II the Iron, son of Otto I, 1328–1376
- Louis the Junker, son of Otto I, 1336–1345 residing in Grebenstein
- Hermann I the Elder, son of Otto I, 1336–1370 residing in Nordeck
- Otto the Younger, son of Henry II the Iron, co-regent 1340–1366
- Hermann II the Learned, son of Louis the Junker, 1376–1413, co-regent since 1367
- Louis I the Peaceful 1413–1458
Lower Hesse (Kassel), 1458–1500
- Louis II the Frank, eldest son of Louis the Peaceful, 1458–1471
- William I the Elder, son of Louis II, 1471–1493
- William II the Middle, son of Louis II, 1493–1509, reunited Hesse in 1500
Upper Hesse (Marburg), 1458–1500
- Henry III the Rich, younger son of Louis the Peaceful, 1458–1483
- Louis III the Younger (died 1478)
- William III the Younger, 1483–1500 1500 reunited with Lower Hesse under William II
Hesse, 1500–1567
- Philip I the Magnanimous, son of William II, 1509–1567.
Eldest son William IV the Wise, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel; second son Louis IV Landgraves of Hesse-Marburg; third son Philip the Younger Landgrave of Hesse-Rheinfels; fourth son George I Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt.
Hesse-Kassel, 1567–1803
- William IV (Wilhelm IV) 31 March 1567-25 August 1592 (eldest son of Philip the Magnanimous. Called "the Wise.")
- Maurice (Moritz) 25 August 1592-17 March 1627
- William V (Wilhelm V) 17 March 1627-21 September 1637
- William VI (Wilhelm VI) 21 September 1637-16 July 1663
- William VII (Wilhelm VII) 16 July 1663-21 November 1670
- Charles (Karl) 21 November 1670-23 March 1730
- Frederick I (Friedrich I) 23 March 1730-25 March 1751 also King of Sweden from 1720. Hesse-Kassel under the regency of his brother, William, later Landgrave William VIII.
- William VIII (Wilhelm VIII) 25 March 1751-1 February 1760) brother of Frederick I; already regent from 1730
- Frederick II (Friedrich II) 1 February 1760-31 October 1785
- William IX (Wilhelm IX) 31 October 1785-15 May 1803 became elector of Hesse as William I in 1803.
Hesse-Rotenburg, 1627–1834
- Hermann 1627–1658 third son of Maurice
- Ernest 1658–1693 fifth son of Maurice
- William 1693–1725
- Ernest Leopold 1725–1749
- Constantine 1749–1778 inherited Eschwege in 1755
- Emanuel 1778–1806 (died 1812) 1806 annexed by the Kingdom of Westphalia, 1813 restored under the supremacy of the Elector of Hesse
- Victor Amadeus, 1813–1834 1834 extinct, reunited with Hesse-Kassel
Hesse-Wanfried, ~1700–1731
- Charles (Karl) 1700-1711 Landgrave of Hesse-Wanfried -(Rheinfels) (1649–1711); sovereign 1700-1711
- William (Wilhelm) Landgrave Hesse-Wanfried -(Rheinfels) (1671–1731); sovereign 1711–1731. 1731 united with Hesse-Rotenburg
Hesse-Rheinfels, 1627–1658
- Ernest(Ernst) 1627–1658 fifth son of Maurice
1658 united with Hesse-Rotenburg
- Philip 1663–1721 son of William VI
- Charles(Karl) I 1721–1770
- William(Wilhelm) 1770–1806 (died 1810) 1806 annexed by the Kingdom of Westphalia
1813 restored under the supremacy of the Elector of Hesse
- Louis (Ludwig) 1813–1816
- Ernst Constantine 1816–1849
- Charles II(Karl, 1849–1866 1866 annexed by Prussia
- William)Wilhelm) 1721–1761 son of Philip
- Frederick (Friedrich) 1761–1772
- Adolf 1772–1803
- Charles (Karl) 1803–1806 806 annexed by the Kingdom of Westphalia, 1813 restored under the supremacy of the Elector of Hesse
- Charles (Karl) 1813–1854 (restored)
- Alexis 1854–1866 1866 annexed by Prussia
Hesse-Marburg, 1567–1604
- Louis IV (Ludwig IV) 31 March 1567-9 October 1604 second son of Philip the Magnanimous.
1604 extinct and disputed between Hesse-Kassel and Hesse-Darmstadt, 1648 divided between the two lines
Hesse-Rheinfels, 1567–1583
- Philip II 31 March 1567-20 November 1583 third son of Philip the Magnanimous. Called "the Younger."
1583 extinct and divided between Hesse-Kassel, Hesse-Marburg and Hesse-Darmstadt
Hesse-Darmstadt, 1567–1806
- George I(Georg I) 31 March 1567-7 February 1596 fourth son of Philip the Magnanimous
- Louis V (Ludwig V) 7 February 1596-27 June 1626 son of George I.
- George II (Georg II) 27 June 1626-11 June 1661 son of Louis V.
- Louis VI (Ludwig VI) 11 June 1661-24 April 1678 son of George II
- Louis VII (Ludwig VII) 24 April 1678-31 August 1678 first son of Louis VI
- Ernest Louis (Ernst Ludwig) 31 August 1678-12 September 1739 second son of Louis VI
- Louis VIII (Ludwig VIII) 12 September 1739-17 October 1768 son of Ernest Louis
- Louis IX (Ludwig IX) 17 October 1768-6 April 1790 son of Louis VIII
- Louis X (Ludwig X) 6 April 1790-13 August 1806 son of Louis IX. Became Grand Duke of Hesse 1806.
Hesse-Butzbach, 1609–1643
Philip III, 1609–1643 second son of George I of Hesse-Darmstadt,
Hesse-Homburg, 1622–1866
- Frederick I (Friedrich I) 1622–1638 third son of George I of Hesse-Darmstadt
- William Christoph 1638–1681, sold Homburg to his brother George Christian in 1669, but retained Bingenheim (Landgrave of Hesse-Homburg-Bingenheim)
- Margareta Elisabetha of Leiningen-Westerburg-Schaumburg, Regent 1638–1648
- George Christian 1669–1671 Landgrave of Hesse-Homburg Under mortgage to two merchants (1671–1673) and the Landgraves of Hesse-Darmstadt (1673–1679) Frederick II, 1679–1708 son of Fredrick I, Commander general of the army of Brandenburg (The Prince of Homburg), redeemed Homburg in 1679, regained Bingenheim in 1681
- Frederick III Jacob (Friedrich III Jacob) 1708–1746 Cavalry general in the Netherlands
- Frederick IV (Friedrich IV) 1746–1751
- Frederick V (Friedrich V) 1751–1806 Landgrave of Hesse-Homburg
- Ulrike Louise von Solms-Braunfels, Regent 1751–1766 1806 Annexed by Hesse-Darmstadt, 1815 restored on the Congress of Vienna
- Frederick V (Friedrich V) 1815–1820 (restored)
- Frederick VI (Friedrich VI) 1820–1829 Cavalry general in Austria
- Louis William (Ludwig Wilhelm) 1829–1839 Infantry general in Prussia
- Philip 1839–1846 Field marshall in Austria
- Gustav, 1846–1848 Cavalry general in Austria
- Ferdinand 1848–1866 Cavalry general in Austria 1866 annexed by Prussia
Hesse-Braubach, 1625–1651
- John (Johan) 1626–1651 son of Louis V
Hesse-Itter, 1661–1676
- George III (Georg II) 1661–1676 second son of George II
Electors of Hesse (-Kassel), 1803–1866
- William I (Wilhelm I) 15 May 1803-28 August 1807
previously Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel as William IX; deposed ,to the Kingdom of Westphalia, 1807-1813
- William I (Wilhelm I) 30 October 1813-27 February 1821 restored
- William II (Wilhelm II) 27 February 1821-20 November 1847His son Frederick William acted as regent from 30 September 1831
- Frederick William (Friedrich Wilhelm) 20 November 1847-20 September 1866 regent for his father from 30 September 1831. The electorate was annexed by Prussia in 1866 1866 annexed by Prussia
Grand Dukes of Hesse (-Darmstadt) and by Rhine, 1806–1918
- Louis I (Ludwig I) 13 August 1806-6 April 1830 previously Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt as Louis X from 1790
- Louis II (Ludwig II)_ 6 April 1830-16 June 1848
- Louis III (Ludwig III) 16 June 1848-13 June 1877
- Louis IV (Ludwig IV) 13 June 1877-13 March 1892
- Ernest Louis (Ernst Ludwig) 13 March 1892-9 November 1918
Heads of the non-reigning House of Hesse
Hesse-Kassel since 1866
- Frederick William I (Friedrich Wilhilm I) 1866–1875 the former elector
- Frederick William II Friedrich Wilhelm II) 1875–1884 son of Prince William of Hesse-Kassel.
- Frederick William III (Friedrich Wilhelm III) 1884–1888
- Alexander Frederick 1888–1925 (abdicated, d. 1945)
- Frederick Charles (Friedrich Karl) 1925–1940 elected King of Finland with the name (Fredrik) Kaarle I in 1918 but renounced the throne the same year
- Philip 1940–1980
- Maurice(Moritz) (born 1926), 1980-present
Hesse-Philippsthal 1866-1925
- Charles (Karl) 1866-1868
- Ernest (Ernst) 1868-1925 1925 the Line of Hesse-Philippsthal became extinct
Hesse-Philippsthal-Barchfeld since 1866, Hesse-Philippsthal== ===since the extinction of the main line 1925
- Alexis 1866-1905 the former Landgrave
- Chlodwig 1905-1954, head of the house of Hesse-Philippsthal since 1925
- William (Wilhelm) 1954-present
Hesse-Darmstadt 1918–1968
- Ernest Louis (Ernst Ludwig) the former Grand Duke, 1918–1937
- George Donatus 1937
- Louis (Ludwig) 1937–1968 In 1968 the Line of Hesse-Darmstadt became extinct; the last Prince adopted the head of the Hesse-Kassel as his heir
House of Battenberg
'Was a morganatic cadet branch of the Grand Ducal family of Hesse, without right of succession.