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Indiana Wesleyan University

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  • M. Clifford Townsend, Governor (1884 - 1954)
    Clifford Townsend (1884–1954) was the 35th Governor of the U.S. state of Indiana from 1937 to 1941. During his term he led relief efforts during and after the Great Flood of 1937.Early life Maurice Cli...
  • André Carson, U.S. Congress
    é Carson, (grandson of Julia Carson), a Representative from Indiana; born in Indianapolis, Marion County, Ind., October 16, 1974; graduated from Arsenal Technical High School, Indianapolis, Ind.; B.A.,...


Indiana Wesleyan University (commonly referred to as IWU) is a private, evangelical Christian, liberal arts university headquartered in Marion, Indiana, that is affiliated with the Wesleyan Church denomination. IWU is the largest member of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities and the largest private university in Indiana.

Notable Alumni