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Iron County, Wisconsin

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  • Sanna Maria Matintytär Luomanen (1882 - 1938)
    Syntymä / Birth Lapua syntyneet 1877-1884 (MKO25-32) Sivu 348 12.1882 ; SSHY / Viitattu 29.08.2024. With her parents in Ylisaari 6, Kirkonkylä, Lapua, Finland Lapua rippikirja 1879-1888 (MKO143-158...
  • John Jacob Koivisto (1882 - 1938)
    Syntynyt Ylistarossa 26.6.1882, Ylistaro syntyneet 1864-1885 (MKO22-36) 06.1882 ; SSHY / Viitattu 30.08.2024. With his parents and siblings in Punkari 5, Topparla, Ylistaro, Finland Ylistaro rippiki...
  • Matti Juhonpoika Isohella (1858 - 1940)
    Syntymä / Birth Lapua syntyneet 1858-1876 (UK117) 10.1858 ; SSHY / Viitattu 29.08.2024. With his parents and siblings in Isohella, Hantula 9, Kirkonkylä, Lapua, Finland Lapuan seurakunnan arkisto -...
  • Liisa Vilhelmina Nabb (1855 - 1940)
    Syntymä / Birth Lapua syntyneet 1843-1857 (UK116-117) 1855 ; SSHY / Viitattu 29.04.2023. With her parents and siblings in Kallio, Alasaari 17, Kirkonkylä, Lapua, Finland Lapuan seurakunnan arkisto ...
  • John William Luoma (1899 - 1951)
    Syntymä / Birth Ylistaro syntyneet 1897-1903 (MKO50-56) Sivu 127 1899 tammikuu ; SSHY / Viitattu 29.08.2024. ■ ■ ■ Kuolema / Death Find a Grave Index: "Michigan Death Certificates, 1921-1952", ,...

Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Iron County, Wisconsin.

Iron County was created in 1893 and was named for the valuable iron ore found within its borders.

Adjacent Counties

Cities & Towns

  • Anderson
  • Carey
  • Gurney
  • Hurley (County Seat)
  • Kimball
  • Knight
  • Mercer
  • Montreal
  • Oma
  • Pence
  • Saxon
  • Sherman

Other Communities: Carter, Cedar, Germania, Gurney, Hoyt, Iron Belt, Manitowish, Pine Lake, Orva, Powell, Rouse, Springstead, Tyler Forks, Upson and Van Buskirk


Cemeteries of Wisconsin



History of Iron County - WPA (1938)

Iron County Historical Museum

National Register of Historic Places

WI Gen Web

Genealogy Trails