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This project is a meeting place for users who share the J-P58 Y-DNA haplogroup, which means they are related along their paternal lines. Users in this group may want to share their family trees with each other to find overlaps and merge duplicate profiles in order to join or expand the World Family Tree and discover new relatives.

This project is about a Y-haplogroup, which defines a group of men by a shared set of inherited features in the DNA of their Y-chromosome. This implies they have a patrilineal ancestor in common, because only males carry a Y-chromosome, which they inherit from their father. The major Y-haplogroups were formed thousands of years ago, and therefore each group can today include thousands to millions of men. For an introduction, you can visit the Y-DNA Haplogroups project, the DNA Testing project, or start at the beginning with the DNA Primer project.

If you are relatively new to Y-DNA haplogroups, the links below under "Introductory Resources" are also an excellent place to begin.

About the Y-DNA Haplogroup J-P58


The Y-DNA haplogroup J-P58 is defined by the P58 SNP marker. Under the earlier, now secondary "hierarchical" notation, it was known as J1e until February 2010, when it was renamed to J1c3 (ref). Since the transition after around 2011 to "shorthand" notation, the haplogroup's preferred name has been J-P58. The haplogroup was also sometimes formerly known as J-L147.

As of 1 Jan 2017, the ISOGG-assigned hierarchical name for J-P58 is "J1a2b" and therefore this haplogroup can be labelled J1a2b-P58 (ISOGG 2017). But note that the hierarchical name has changed in the past and probably will again. Since the first three letters of hierarchical names are usually stable, J1a-P58 is a good label also.


As of Dec 2016 (ref1, ref2), the derivation of J-P58 from the J-M304 ancestral haplogroup by successive mutations is understood as: J-M304 > J1-M267 > J1a-Z2215 > J-L620 > J-L136 > J-P58. Haplogroup J-P58 has two major subclades immediately below it: J-Z643 and J-Y4067/S4924.


Time of origin. The J-P58 haplogroup's founding mutation has been estimated as appearing roughly 11,600 years ago, and the most recent common ancestor of all living J-P58 haplogroup men as living roughly 8,700 years ago (Dec 2016, ref).

Place of origin. Research published in 2009 concluded that the haplogroup arose within a geographical zone "including northeast Syria, northern Iraq and eastern Turkey toward Mediterranean Anatolia, Ismaili from southern Syria, Jordan, Palestine and northern Egypt" (ref).

Distribution. J-P58 is the most common subclade of haplogroup J1-M267 among most populations tested (ref), and the most widespread (ref).

The writings on J-P58 and J1-M267 at Wikipedia and Eupedia, and the J1-M267 discussion forums, are good places to learn more about J-P58 anthropology (see Haplogroup Resources below).


These as-yet unlinked patrilineal lineage founders at Geni are all J-P58 men, determined by Y-DNA testing one or more of their descendants. Although the most recent common ancestor of all living J-P58 men lived roughly 8,700 years ago (see Anthropology above), it is possible that some of these Geni lineages are more recently related.

Defining SNP

This haplogroup's defining SNP, P58, has the synonyms Page8 and PF4698, the accession number rs34043621 (SNPedia | dbSNP), and is located at Y-chromosome position (GRCh37) 14486667 with the mutation T->C. (source: ISOGG Y-DNA SNP Index)

Subclade Projects

This tree above is based on ISOGG 2017 1-Jan-2017. Some intermediary haplogroups have been omitted for simplification, and not all recent subclades have been included. Note the hierarchical part of the name (e.g. "J1a" in J1a-Z2215) is subject to change and should not be used alone without at least providing the STR part of the name (e.g. the "Z2215" in J1a-Z2215). Hierarchical names are limited here to three letters, since beyond that they may frequently change. Numbers in parentheses are the count of profiles (not necessarily for living people) for this haplotype at Geni as of 29-Dec-2016. Haplogroups recognized by ISOGG are in bold. SNP names with numeric extensions (e.g. S350.2) are also found in other Ychr lineages and therefore aren't diagnostic without additional SNP testing.

Going Deeper


If you are interested in learning more about the anthropology of this haplogroup—its place in ancient human history—three good sets of resources are the encyclopedic pages at Wikipedia and Eupedia, the discussion forums at Anthrogenica and Eupedia, and the occasional related blog postings by genetic anthropologists. Links to the first two sets can be found below under "Haplogroup Resources." Related blog postings can be found by internet searches for terms like "haplogroup" with the name of this project's haplogroup, or by their mention in the forums. The Eurogenes Blog and Dienekes' Anthropology Blog are also good sources for reliable information.

What you will get: A deeper understanding of your ancestors' cultures, and the roles that migration, technology, conflict, and regional circumstances may have played in their lives.


Most people get their first assignment to a Y-DNA haplogroup through an initial SNP or STR analysis that enables a prediction or preliminary assignment to a major branch of the Y-chromosome's phylogenetic tree. Several testing companies offer this service. The results give a basic assignment, typically to a haplogroup founded thousands or tens of thousands of years ago. This is a good foundation for finding your place in a more recently appearing haplogroup if you wish. Please visit the Deeper Y-DNA Analysis project to learn more.

What you will get: A more accurate placement within the patrilineal genetic tree of all human men, the opportunity to learn more about and contribute to current haplogroup phylogenetic and anthropology research, a tool for more accurately assessing patrilineal relationships in your genealogical research, potential new relatives identified if your refined haplogroup was very recently founded, and potentially a more specific association with a particular genetically characterized cultural group.

Haplogroup Resources

Introductory Resources

Here are several introductions to understanding the Y-chromosome and its use in genealogy and genetic anthropology. They are in various styles and to various depths of detail, in the hope that everyone will find at least one that speaks to them.

Brief Glossary

  • A SNP is a particular type of DNA mutation, a single "letter" in the DNA sequence that's changed to different letter.
  • PHYLOGENETICS is the study of the evolutionary history and relationships among individuals or groups of organisms. Because evolutionary development occurs through the successive appearance of new DNA changes (mutations), the relationships take the form of a branching tree, with each phylogenetic group having a single immediately ancestral group but potentially several derived, descendant groups.
  • A HAPLOGROUP is a set of individuals that share the same distinctive and identifying gene/DNA-marker/mutation, or pattern of them (the same HAPLOTYPE). Y-DNA haplogroups are ideally named for a particular SNP (its defining haplotype) that is unique to that group, e.g. the J-P58 haplogroup is the set of all people with the P58 SNP mutation. All members of a haplogroup are also members of all its ancestral haplogroups.
  • A haplogroup can also be called a CLADE, and the haplogroups derived from it are SUBCLADES.